MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 23:09hs.
Today, Wednesday 20th

ABRADIE, ABAESP and IBJR participate in public hearing of the Senate Sports Committee

Alerting to allegations of match-fixing in football, Senator Romário called for a public hearing for today (Wednesday 20th) where will be heard representatives from the Brazilian Association for the Defense of Sports Integrity (Abradie), the Brazilian Association of Sports Betting (Abraesp) and the Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gaming (IBJR), among others relevant sports officials.

The Minister of Sports, André Fufuca, was also invited to the public hearing of the Sports Commission (CEsp), which aims to debate the manipulation of results.

In addition to the minister, CEsp members should hear:

José Francisco Manssur
Special Advisor to the Ministry of Finance
Status: Videoconference Confirmed

Juliana Picole Agatte
Executive Secretary
Representative of the Ministry of Sports
Status: Presence Confirmed

Guilherme Benages Alcântara
Legal Adviser
Representative of the Ministry of Sports
Status: Presence Confirmed

Fernando Martins Cesconetto
Prosecutor of the Public Ministry of the State of Goiás
Status: Presence Confirmed

Ronaldo Botelho Piacente
Attorney General of the Superior Court of Sports Justice for Football
Status: Presence Confirmed

Rafael Bozzano
Deputy Attorney General of the Superior Court of Sports Justice for Football
Status: Presence Confirmed

Julio de Souza Avelar Great-neto
CBF Competitions Director
Representative of Ednaldo Rodrigues Gomes - President of CBF
Status: Presence Confirmed

Wilson Luiz Seneme
President of the Arbitration Commission of the Brazilian Football Confederation – CBF
Status: Presence Confirmed

Bruno Arleu de Araújo
Football referee
Status: Presence Confirmed

Andrei Kampff
Lawyer and Journalist
Status: Videoconference Confirmed

Guilherme Buso
Director of the Brazilian Association for the Defense of Sports Integrity – ABRADIE
Status: Presence Confirmed

Rodrigo Alves
President of the Brazilian Sports Betting Association – ABAESP
Status: Videoconference Confirmed

Ednaldo Rodrigues Gomes
President of the Brazilian Football Confederation – CBF
Status: Awaiting Confirmation

André Gelfi
CEO of the Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gaming
Status: Awaiting Confirmation

The public hearing is in response to a request (REQ 1/2023 — CEsp) from Senator Romário (PL-RJ). Specifically mentioning football, he justified the proposition by warning of the frequent allegations of result manipulation in a scenario of expansion of the sports betting market.

“The need to guarantee transparency, legality and the fight against illicit practices leaves no doubt about the importance of promoting a broad and in-depth debate on these issues, involving representatives of sports institutions, government authorities, companies in the sector, experts and other interested parties,” assessed the senator.

In other requests, Romário himself and senator Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO) added names to the guest list. The event is scheduled for after the CEsp deliberative session, which begins at 9:30 am, in room 13 of the Senador Alexandre Costa Wing.

Source: GMB