MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 23:11hs.
October 10th

OAB/RJ returns to discuss state lotteries so that Brazil can find the best exploration model

Next October 10th, the OAB/RJ Special Commission on the Law of Lottery Sports Games and Entertainment brings together several experts for the event “State lotteries and new businesses for social development in Brazil”. The objective is to discuss the best model for the Brazilian reality, especially with the regulation of sports betting.

State lotteries have enormous potential for growth and promoting security, education, sport and culture. In view of this, a seminar will take place on October 10th, at the headquarters of the OAB in Rio de Janeiro, to explore the potential of this market, which is opening up even more strongly now that the sports betting bill has been approved by the Chamber of Deputies.

As there are several controversial points in the current Brazilian reality, the OAB/RJ Special Commission on the Law of Lottery Sports Games and Entertainment will bring together some of the most important actors in the lottery sector to discuss paths, analyze factors such as territoriality, limits of action, normative competence of state lotteries on sports betting and the promotion of social development in Brazil.

Faced with the new reality of the national lottery market, with the states that already operate in the sector expanding the modalities offered and others about to implement their local entities, “the moment could not be more propitious,” in the words of Paulo Horn, president of the Special Commission of Lottery Sports Games and Entertainment Law at OAB/RJ.

He will open the meeting alongside experienced actors from the lottery sector, such as Marcelo Corrêa, vice-president of the Commission and former legal director of Loterj, Filipe Alves Rodrigues, director of IGE and member of the Commission, and Leandro Pamplona, also member of the entity.

Afterwards, will speak the president of Loterj, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, who will bring to the plenary the progress made by the Rio de Janeiro State Lottery in the accreditation of sports betting companies under the supervision of Loterj, and which are already offering bets throughout Brazil that are consolidated in Rio de Janeiro on Loterj servers.

Legal security for new state lottery businesses will be addressed by Leandro Pamplona, lawyer Rafael Biasi and Loterj's chief legal advisor, Juliana de Albuquerque de Pádua.

Next, Marcelo Corrêa, Luiz Eduardo Guimarães (member of the Commission) and Jhonatas Mendes Silva (president of the OAB/MA Gaming Commission), will discuss the regulatory competence over sports betting, focusing on the general standard for lotteries and Law 13,756/ 2018.

President Paulo Horn will close the debate together with Amilton Noble, director of Hebara, and Filipe Alves Rodrigues.

The meeting will take place at the OAB/RJ headquarters, on October 10th, from 9 am to 12:30 pm. It will be in person and online format. For more information and registration, just send an email to [email protected].

Source: GMB