LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 15:55hs.
Alexandre Fonseca, CEO

“Superbet arrives in Brazil to reach market leadership in the shortest possible time”

In his first exclusive interview with the iGaming market as new CEO of Superbet Brasil, Alexandre Fonseca spoke with GMB One-On-One. Owner of a brilliant career directing Betano's successful operation in the country, the executive wants to bring all the experience to the new company. “I hope to repeat the success and reach the leadership in the shortest possible time.” According to him, “good brand positioning and excellent execution of the marketing strategy will be the way forward.”

GMB – We know that the challenge is what moves you in the Brazilian sports betting market. Is that what led you to take on the role of CEO at Superbet?
Alexandre Fonseca
– I believe so. I have a strong belief that challenge is what moves the world, and with me it is no different. Having the opportunity to develop a brand like Superbet in Brazil, which has an excellent product that is easy to reach the Brazilian audience, is a privilege. When I made the decision to leave Betano and was invited to take on this position at Superbet, I didn't think twice. I hope to be able to repeat the brand positioning success we achieved with Betano in the past and reach market leadership in the shortest possible time.

You are talking about a major player on the international scene that is well established in Brazil. How did you manage to make Betano a reference on the national scene?
In 2021, when we entered the market, I understood that there was a gap. At that time, there were large international operators with little local knowledge and local operators with a lot of knowledge of Brazil, but sometimes with a not so aggressive product or lacking investment power. That's exactly how I managed to 'fit' Betano, with a strong product and my knowledge of the market. Thus, through a very well executed strategy by the entire team, we managed to develop Betano in an easy and quick way on the market, guaranteeing a very large attraction. I hope it's no different with Superbet and that we can embark on a successful path.

In other words, all this market experience allowed you to introduce yourself to Superbet. What were the main experiences and a summary of what you told them about what has been done in the past and what can be done for Superbet?
I understand that knowledge and time in the market enable me to take on such an important position as this. There are few professionals with specific knowledge of the industry and what Brazil is and its nuances. It is important to understand the media market, sponsorships and various things to do the job well and position a brand. The combination of these factors was what empowered me.

This also involves the issue of location, so I would like you to better present Superbet and what the company offers.
Superbet has a curious issue. It was founded in 2008 to serve the offline retail market. In 2016, the company decided to expand its operations online, offering what we now call omni-channel, in which products are offered both online and offline, in physical stores and kiosks. This occurred especially in Central Europe, with a strong presence in Romania and other countries in the region. The company arrives in Brazil with a great desire to develop the market and establish the brand in the country. Superbet is well known for being generous with its customers in terms of bonuses. They will be surprised by our offer in terms of promotions and bonuses. And the idea is to develop this omni-channel strategy, positioning the brand not only online, but also offline.

It's an enriching experience and there will be many ways to reach the audience you want. How to establish a new betting house in Brazil given this reality?
Brazil has become a very competitive market and today there are huge players already established and others entering, such as Superbet. This market is not yet fully established and there is still a lot of room for its development. It is important to know the market, know how to position the brand and how to communicate with the Brazilian audience. It is a very specific audience, from different spectrums. There are different ways of communicating with him in the North, Northeast and another in the South-Southeast. We will position the brand very strongly in Brazil over the next few years. And without a doubt, given the regulatory scenario that is about to consolidate in the coming months, this gives us great opportunities to present a new brand and obtain a relevant percentage of the market share.

You talk about ongoing regulation. At this point, what are the main advantages and disadvantages of entering the market?
I don't see that many disadvantages. The market is booming. I'll give the example of when Betano entered Brazil, in 2021. Everyone thought that the market was already consolidated, with large companies already well established and on the podium. And since then, some of the players who were TOP 3 have become supporting players. I believe that the regulatory process will bring new challenges and needs for brands to adapt. Some will probably not continue in Brazil for reasons of positioning and others will become stronger and invest more in order to seek real consolidation in the regulated market. For Superbet, which is arriving on the Brazilian market now, I only see advantages, because the more pieces move, the more space we will have to fit a new brand. Competitiveness exists and it is normal, and I like it more when the market is competitive.

In other words, with this statement, do you give a strong demonstration that Superbet ‘is here to arrive’?
Undoubtedly. If it weren't for competing for market leadership, I wouldn't have taken on this project. Everyone in the market knows me and those who have always worked with me know how competitive I am. Obviously we cannot guarantee results or claim victory too soon, but the objective is to enter the market, consolidate the brand and obtain leadership as soon as possible.

And what are the main points and plans to reach this moment?
Good brand positioning and good execution of the company's marketing strategy are infallible. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes we see companies with an excellent brand positioning that have their execution a little flawed. We also see others performing very well, but without adequate brand positioning. So, it is a union of these two aspects, of having a good positioning and good execution.

Do you intend to sponsor a football club? Today, 39 of the 40 teams in Series A and B of the Brasileirão are sponsored by bookmakers. Is there anything left for Superbet in this regard?
Don't have any doubts. There is a saying that ‘where there is good will there is a way’. As I said, with this market constantly changing and the regulatory scenario being consolidated, I am sure that we will find a space and I hope to share good news with you soon.

Will Superbet seek space in football, given that you have a very successful experience with Betano?
Clear. Sponsorship is a central part of almost every bookmaker’s marketing strategy. I don't see it any differently, but we have to analyze market opportunities and calculate sponsorship ROI very well, as the market has highly inflated prices. But it is undeniably a premium asset for brand positioning done well.

Will other sports also be in Superbet’s focus?
Superbet is a brand that stands internationally in favor of sports. I've also always been a big fan of diversifying sports, promoting greater capillarity. I see other sports as having immense value for a positioning strategy and this will be in our focus as opportunities arise.

Over the years you have closely followed the direction of sports betting regulation in Brazil. Do you think it will finally come out now?
I hope so. I am confident that in the coming months we will see the regulation of sports betting and online gaming. I'm excited to see the path Brazil is taking. Two months ago, there was no talk of online gambling and it was included in the regulations, which is a big step forward. There are some pain points in the project. I see some industry colleagues complaining about this. But I don't believe that taxation alone is the problem. The set of factors, such as high taxation, possible prohibition on the use of bonuses and taxation on the bettor, is excessive. These three factors together can negatively impact our market. It may discourage brands from remaining or entering the Brazilian market, but it also affects channeling, sending most bettors into the unregulated market, which is not the government's objective.

In addition to these three points, there is also the granting cost, at a high value, with a short period of three years!
The big problem with granting is not so much the cost, but the time. What the legislator needs to understand is that to establish an online gaming and sports betting operation in Brazil, high investment is required. This investment needs to be worked on over the long term. With a short grant period, even if renewal is facilitated, it is a factor that comes as a question mark. The company makes the investment hoping to see a return in three or five years and in three years the license will already expire. This ends up taking away the will of some entrepreneurs. But I have faith that our Legislature will look at this. They understand the challenges and where the points need to be improved so that we can create a sustainable market for both the operator and the government, generating revenue and providing entertainment for Brazilian bettors.

And channeling them to the regulated market! Is that what matters?
Exactly. This is the big idea and the definition of success in online gaming regulation is high channeling and a huge number of regulated operators generating jobs and boosting the country's economy.

From a technical and commercial point of view, does Superbet have many partners offering online games, various sports and a responsible gaming policy?
For sure. And I reinforce that Superbet is a company concerned with the health and well-being of its users. We understand it as a vital point in our operation, as the game needs to be fun and is entertainment. We position ourselves as an entertainment brand and just look at our logo, which is a smile. We care a lot about this. We still don't know which products we will launch in Brazil, as we do not yet operate in the country, but it will depend on the regulatory movement to know which products we will offer and how we will adapt the operation to the legislation that will come.

In the global market, does Superbet already have all the necessary certifications, just need to adapt them to what is required in Brazil?
Exactly. Superbet operates in ten regulated countries. When we have this high penetration rate in other regulated countries, it makes you more adapted to enter a new jurisdiction. Brazil would be eleventh. Considering the proportions, I do not believe that there will be a differentiation in terms of certification and audits of systems different from those in the countries where we are already present.

Source: Exclusive GMB