MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:26hs.
October 10th

OAB/RJ once again discusses importance of state lotteries for Brazil's social development

Next October 10th, the OAB/RJ Special Committee on Lottery Sports and Entertainment Law brings together important specialists for the event “State lotteries and new businesses for the social development of Brazil”. The meeting will focus on the territorial factor, performance limits and payouts.

Faced with the new reality of the national lottery market, with the states that already operate in the sector expanding the modalities offered and others in the process of implementing their local entities, the OAB/RJ's Special Committee on Lottery Sports and Entertainment Law will bring together personalities from the sector to discuss the current moment of the sector.

Among the confirmed names are the president of Loterj, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado; the president of the Special Committee on Lottery Sports and Entertainment Law of the OABRJ, Paulo Horn; the legal director of Loterj, the president of the Maranhão Gaming Commission, Filipe Alves Rodrigues, Rafael Biasi, Amilton Noble and other guests.

Among the most relevant topics to be addressed are the territorial factor, the limits of action and financing of public policies by lotteries. In addition, the issue of payout, according to experts, is a central discussion, since Brazil has one of the lowest payouts in the world, which prevents further business growth.

On the issue of territoriality, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, president of Loterj, will point to the example of the Rio de Janeiro municipality, which launched a public notice for sports betting and there are already eight accredited companies, two of which are already in operation. And they offer sports betting throughout Brazil given that the consolidation of the operation is carried out by the controlling body, Loterj, in Rio de Janeiro.

As this subject has become controversial recently, Hazenclever will clarify the perfect understanding of the municipality as to how the whole process has been carried out both by operators and by Loterj itself.

The meeting will take place at the headquarters of OAB/RJ, on October 10th, from 9 am to 12 pm. It will be in face-to-face and online format.

For more information and registration, just send an email to [email protected].

Source: GMB