MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:25hs.
To accommodate Centrão block

Secretariat of Betting can join new composition of the ministries and stay with Tourism

As a way of contemplating the fragmented bloc of lawmakers called Centrão with more positions of power, the government is already studying the possibility of the National Secretariat for Prizes and Bets leaving the Ministry of Finance and going to Tourism, which should be merged with that of Small and Medium Enterprises. The new folder would be with the PP, the party of mayor Arthur Lira.

In an unusual format, the government is moving to deliver a folder to Centrão and one of the formulas found is the transfer of the National Secretariat for Prizes and Bets from the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Tourism and incorporate to it the new folder that is being created, that of Small and Medium Enterprises.

In Brazilian politics, the Centrão refers to a group of political parties that do not have a specific or consistent ideological orientation and aim at ensuring proximity to the executive branch.

With the initiative planned, the PP, party of the mayor Arthur Lira, would have the new Ministry of Sport, Youth and Entrepreneurship. And probably in the structure of the entrepreneurship area would be the National Secretariat for Prizes and Bets.

Although the rapporteur for the sports betting proposal does not confirm, the Secretariat should even go to the new portfolio. For this reason, he will be in Brasília this week in a concerted effort by the Chamber to speed up the articulations so that the project incorporates part of what was released with the edition of Provisional Measure (PM) 1.182/2023 and that it is voted on next week so that the agenda don't get locked.

What is known is that the moves are advanced and President Lula should announce deputy André Fufuca, leader of the PP in the Chamber, as the new minister. It is not yet known whether it will be before his trip to India after the celebrations of country's independence on September 7th or after his return to Brazil.

Source: GMB