MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:48hs.
Operation starts in October

BETPR becomes the first sportsbook authorized by Lottopar in Paraná

Lottopar announced the name of the first company authorized to operate sports betting in the Brazilian state of Paraná. As of today, the company BETPR is accredited by Lottopar to operate, as of October, throughout the territory of the state, following the rules imposed by the regulations.

Once all stages of the accreditation public notice have been completed, BETPR is authorized, as of October, to begin fixed-quota betting operations in Paraná. The State is the second in the federation to have companies legalized and regulated for this lottery modality.

Only in October will operations actually start, which guarantees equality in the process, since all “bets” companies that meet the requirements will start operations at the same time. This interval between the signing of the contract and the beginning of the operation is due to the fact that each lottery operator is completing the process at different times.

The value of the first grant in the amount of R$ 5 million (US$ 1m) has already been paid to Lottopar, thus guaranteeing BETPR the right to explore sports betting in Paraná for five years, which can be renewed for another five and so on, provided that the company makes a new grant payment.

These resources have already been established to be used in the areas of popular housing, public safety and social actions. Once this entire accreditation approval process is completed and operations begin, part of the funds collected from lottery operations will be used for these purposes.

Platform integration

So that authorized companies can effectively start their operations, it is mandatory that they are integrated into Lottopar's management, monitoring and payment platform.

In this way, from the first day of activity, the autarchy can control the operations of the accredited ones, verify, for example, the number of bets, the amount of resources in circulation in the sports betting environment and if all the rules of the regulation are being complied with, such as the alert for suspicious or non-standard bets, for example, thus preventing money laundering and currency evasion.

Also, in order to provide more transparency and integrity to sports betting operations, at any time, the control authorities can request reports from Lottopar through the platform, guaranteeing supervision and that all regulations are being followed. This monitoring through the platform will take place 24 hours a day, seven days a week, uninterruptedly, in an operations control room at Lottopar.

Start of operation

During the entire month of September, there will be advances in the process of accreditation of “bets” companies, as the analysis of documents from other companies will be finalized. After this analysis and with the signing of the contract between Lottopar and the accredited operators, the companies will be authorized, legalized and regulated, simultaneously, to start activities throughout Paraná.

Authorized website

As soon as the accreditation of all the sports betting companies that participated in the public notice is approved, Lottopar will widely publicize and will also make available on the municipality's website a link so that bettors can identify the companies authorized and legalized to operate sports betting throughout Paraná’s territory.

In addition, when entering a site legalized and regulated in Paraná, players can easily see a verification seal in the upper left corner with the Lottopar logo and the inscription “authorized site”, which is the guarantee for the bettor that all security checks have been carried out, that he will be supported by support and service channels in Brazil, as well as that he will be able to look for a physical store for service and that the betting resources will return in benefits social

For the president of Lottopar, Daniel Romanowski, this moment is a legal milestone for the State, “because as of today we are legalizing and regulating sports betting in Paraná and the resources generated from this betting market, which before did not stay in Paraná and often even went outside Brazil, will now be applied to improving the quality of life and well-being of the people of Paraná. Part of the collection goes to investments in public safety, popular housing and social actions."

BETPR’s representative, Felipe Villar, highlights this moment as being very important and considers it a milestone in Paraná. “We are very happy with this moment, as we are the first 'bet' to have accreditation approved in Paraná and this will generate income for both public safety and other social actions. The betting market is on the rise, it is very popular and Paraná only has to gain from it.”

The ceremony was attended by the president of Lottopar, Daniel Romanowski, the representative of BETPR, Felipe Villar, the administrative and financial director of Lottopar, Rogério Nogueira, the operational director of Lottopar, Fabio Veiga, and the technical director of Lottopar, Rafael Halila.

Source: GMB