MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:55hs.
This Tuesday (5), at 2pm

CPI on match-fixing holds public hearing with Sportradar to learn about monitoring tools

The Parliamentary Commission of Investigation (CPI) of the Chamber of Deputies that investigates manipulation in football matches in Brazil holds a public hearing this Tuesday (5) to discuss the performance of the company Sportradar, which was hired by the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) to monitor evidence of fraud in sport.

Bruno Rodrigues, a partner at Brax Sports Assets, is also expected to take a statement, so that he can explain the company's business model, which, among other activities, adopts technology created specifically for the betting market, with quotes provided in real time in the LED equipment during the broadcast of the games.

The request to hear representatives of Sportradar was presented by deputy Mersinho Lucena (PP-PB). The objective, according to him, is to discuss the operation of the contracted system for identifying fraud in betting.

The presence of Bruno Rodrigues was requested by Deputy Julio Arcoverde (PP-PI), who expressed his intention to seek "to understand everything that involves this market, even so that he can suggest the necessary measures to prevent or mitigate the risks of recurrence of practices identified offenses."

The committee meeting is scheduled for 2 pm, in plenary 10.

Source: Chamber Agency