MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:48hs.
According to Folha’s Painel

Evangelical group works to block sports betting text in Brazil

The evangelical bench is articulating to try to block the text that creates a tax and regulates sports betting in Brazil’s Chamber. They are considered 'the same thing as drugs' by deputy Silas Câmara, president of the front that represents the religious group, according to Folha's Painel.

"The reason is very simple: it's because it's betting. We're against every kind of gamble. We don't support them under any circumstances. For us it is the same thing as drugs," says Câmara to Painel. "It is synonymous with addiction and disgrace for the Brazilian family."

He also claims that he was unable to meet with the text's rapporteur, Adolfo Viana (PSDB-BA), but expects the meeting to take place next Tuesday (12).

"He will have the opportunity to talk to us. If he convinces us that this bill has no connection with the possibility of people becoming addicted to gambling in order to make it a channel of family disgrace, that's fine," he said. "It's kind of difficult to convince us of this, but we will listen to the rapporteur."

"And obviously we should never say that the guy doesn't have the ability to show that he's not what we think, but, for now, the chance of any change in that is zero."

The text, sent by the government at the end of July, has constitutional urgency and begins to lock up the agenda from this Saturday (9). The mayor, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), defends that online casinos be included in the project of sports betting.

Source: Folha