VIE 18 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 07:26hs.
In the Budgetary Guidelines Law

Centrão seeks to lift Lula's veto and protect sports betting funds in the Ministry of Sports

The Centrão, led by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), aims to overturn a veto by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) on the Budgetary Guidelines Law and protect the funds from sports betting in the Ministry of Sports, headed by André Fufuca (PP). This information was published in the Estadão Column by Roseann Kennedy.

A rule added to the 2024 Budgetary Guidelines Law (LDO) prohibits Lula from cutting (contingency, in technical jargon) any cent from the funds that the Ministry collects from lotteries in the country, including sports betting. The regulation of this type of game was approved in December, became law, and is expected to generate revenue for the government from this year onward.

The provision that safeguards the Ministry's funds was not in the LDO when the Lula government sent the project to the Executive. It appeared during the text's approval in Congress. The change was proposed and advocated by Congressman Marx Beltrão (PP-AL), an ally of Lira. According to Beltrão, the measure "aims to strengthen sports policy across the country with a significant impact on society's health and leisure."

The Centrão estimates that the Ministry of Sports will collect US$ 185 million from games, including sports betting, this year. Another portion of the betting money will also be allocated to other areas, such as education and public security, but only Fufuca's ministry was protected from budget cuts by the proposal.

The Planalto Palace defended the veto, arguing that such reservations approved by Congress make the budget "even more rigid" and could hinder the zero deficit fiscal target in 2024. When contacted by the report, the Ministry of Sports stated that the money will be used for projects such as the Bolsa Atleta (Athlete Scholarship) and Segundo Tempo (Second Half), but declared that it follows the decisions adopted by the government and does not question what is voted on in Congress.

The President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira, stated through his spokesperson that he does not have a position on the proposal.

Source: Estadão Column by Roseann Kennedy