VIE 18 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 07:18hs.
Submission of proposals by March 5th

Loteria Mineira officially launches the international bidding process to explore iLottery

The Minas Gerais State Lottery (LEMG) has just published the Notice for International Public Tender No. 002/2023 - highest offer type. The objective is the hiring, exclusively within the state limits, of a company to carry out the operational activities inherent to the exploration of lottery games via the Online/Real Time System, through the grant of a public service concession. The deadline for proposal submission is until March 5.

The deadline for proposal submission, in sealed envelopes, will be until 4:00 PM on March 5, and the opening of the first envelope, with the remuneration proposal, will take place at 2:00 PM on March 6 at the agency's headquarters.

The bidding process will encompass the exploration of electronic games through physical in-person (land-based) and digital/virtual (cyber space) means, according to the lottery game modalities of prognostic games provided for in federal and state legislation.

The concession of services also includes activities such as the development of strategic planning, creation of games, implementation and operation of lottery products, marketing, creation and operation of a network of sales points, game commercialization, development and implementation of websites, virtual gaming platforms, and prize payments.

It is worth noting that, with the firm purpose of providing full legitimacy, transparency, and fairness to the process, this stage was preceded by Public Consultation No. 001/2023 (held on October 10, 2023) and Public Hearing No. 001/2023 (held on November 28, 2023), in which contributions suggested by participants were evaluated and incorporated for the elaboration and improvement of the business draft.

The schedule established for the International Public Tender LEMG No. 002/2023 presents the following schedule:

Deadline for proposal submission (in sealed envelopes):

Until 03/05/2024, at 4:00 PM, at LEMG Headquarters

Address: Papa João Paulo II Highway No. 4001

Gerais Building, 13th floor, Serra Verde neighborhood - BH/MG.

Date, time, and location of the opening of the first envelope (Remuneration Proposal):

03/06/2024, at 2:00 PM, at Papa João Paulo II Highway No. 4001

Gerais Building, 13th floor, Room 6, Serra Verde neighborhood - BH/MG.

All guidelines and information related to the bidding process are provided in the International Public Tender Notice LEMG No. 002/2023 and other documents that are part of the process. Given the nature and scope (international) of the bidding, these files are available in two versions: Portuguese and English.

Documents List:

1 - International Public Auction LEMG nº 002/2023

2 - International Notice: The Wall Street Journal

3 - Annex I - Basic Project

4 - Appendix 1 - Business Modeling

5 - Appendix 2 - General Requirements

6 - Annex II - Concession Agreement

7 - Annex III - Risk Allocation

8 - Annex IV - Concessionaire Charges

9 - Annex V - Performance Indicators

10 - Annex VI - Notice Models

11 - Annex VII - Schedule

12 - Annex VIII - Proposal Booklet

Source: GMB