LUN 21 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 18:07hs.
At LIDE seminar

Loterj advocates legalization of casinos and bingo in Brazil

The president of Loterj, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, highlighted this Friday (18), during a LIDE (Business Leaders Group) seminar, the significant opportunities that the regulation of the casino and bingo sector can bring to Brazil. He said that the country is once again discussing the topic after 80 years, a period that “threw society into the black market of gaming.”

“Who is going to fix unemployment and the lack of investment in the sector, without regulation, without combating gambling addiction, without any campaign to educate and prevent gambling addiction and without generating a single cent in taxes for Brazil?,” asked Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, president of Loterj.

The director also emphasized that, based on the work of the rapporteurs, federal deputy Felipe Carreras (rapporteur in the Chamber of Deputies for Bill 442/91) and senator Irajá (Bill that legalizes casinos and bingo halls), it is now possible to legalize gambling in the country. “They are bringing to light an important issue that can transform our economy,” he said.


The president of Loterj also highlighted that only Rio de Janeiro has licensed and regulated companies with compliance, working with responsible gambling, following Conar rules and generating taxes for Brazil.

“The sector cannot be criminalized. We need to regulate with transparency. Today we have 10 licensed companies and 15 brands operating in a regularized manner, and another 51 in the licensing process. For every real generated, these companies already pay more than eight reais in federal taxes.”


Regarding social impact, Hazenclever recalled that the revenue from Loterj is earmarked for social investments, not for the State's coffers. “In the last two years, we have multiplied by almost five times what we invest in social initiatives with resources from betting,” he stated, projecting an increase for 2024.

The seminar was also attended by Judge Lia Porto, from the Court of Justice of São Paulo; Federal Deputy Felipe Carreras, rapporteur of Bill 442/91; Presidents Sergio Pompilio (Conar - National Advertising Self-Regulation Council); Chieko Aoki (Blue Tree Hotels) and Plínio Jorge (ANJL - National Association of Games and Lotteries); Sergio Sá Leitão, head of LIDE Cultura; and Edisio Pereira Leto, CEO of Bank, among others who discussed “The impact of the liberalization of casinos in Brazil.”

Source: GMB