LUN 7 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 13:32hs.
Supreme Federal Court (STF)

Minister Luiz Fux summons Lula, Pacheco and Lira before judging the regularization of 'Bets'

Minister of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), Luiz Fux, wants to hear ministers from the Lula government, in addition to the presidents of the Chamber and the Senate, Arthur Lira and Rodrigo Pacheco, before ruling on a lawsuit against the regularization of sports betting. The hearing was scheduled for November 11th and should also be attended by representatives from different sectors of the economy and civil society, who are calling for the repeal of the ‘Bets’ Law.

The legislation was approved and sanctioned in 2023, and is responsible for regulating companies that operate in the sports betting sector in Brazil. The government estimates that between 500 and 600 betting sites that have not started the regularization process with the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets (SPA) will be offline in the coming days.

Fux invited the Ministers of Finance, Fernando Haddad; Health, Nísia Trindade; Human Rights and Citizenship, Macaé Evaristo; Racial Equality, Anielle Franco; and the Attorney General of the Union, Jorge Messias, to the meeting. The Attorney General of the Republic, Paulo Gonet, and the President of the Central Bank, Roberto Campos Neto, were also invited by the minister.

Representatives from civil society were invited to the meeting: the National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC), which filed the request for the unconstitutionality of the 'Bets' Law, as well as the National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL), the Brazilian Institute of Legal Gambling (IJL), the Women of Brazil Group and Educafro (a Brazilian non-governmental organization focused on promoting education for Afro-Brazilians and underprivileged individuals.)

Fux will judge the request after the regularization deadline

The Finance determined that companies in operation at the time the 'Bets' Law came into effect have until this Tuesday (10/1) to meet the criteria and obtain authorization to operate under the “” seal. In other words, the trial must take place more than a month after this deadline.

Without the proper regularization, the platforms will not be able to operate in the country. From January 1, 2025, only authorized companies will be allowed to operate in the market.

Source: Metrópoles