VIE 27 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024 - 01:11hs.
Frederico Caputi, Sales Business Development Manager LatAm

“Brazil is a driving force of opportunities for Altenar with immense potential for innovation”

Frederico Caputi, who recently joined Altenar as Sales Business Development Manager for Brazil, shares his vision with GMB of the Brazilian market, the potential for innovation and the need to adapt to the preferences of local gamblers. He highlights the opportunities offered by the regulation that comes into force in January and the company’s plans to strengthen its presence in the country and LatAm.

GMB - You were recently hired by Altenar to take charge of the Brazilian market. How is the work, results, contacts?
Frederico Caputi
- Yes, it is a very rewarding job, as the Brazilian market offers countless opportunities, especially with the regulation scheduled for January. There is a strong demand for innovation and product improvement, in addition to the need to tropicalize solutions to better meet the preferences of local gamblers.

Brazil has a huge market and our products are very well received. I am here to contribute and do my best to consolidate our presence.

How excited are you about taking on this role at Altenar? How does the company see the Brazilian market and what are the plans for 2024 and 2025?
Have you ever been on a high-speed train that doesn't need to stop to change a wheel? That's how I feel about the market, highly dynamic and competitive.

I am here to do my best, so that we can effectively bring a solution that meets the needs of the regulated market and all the possibilities that are opening up today, not only in Brazil, but in emerging markets and Latin America.

It's great to be here. This event is essential for us to make these connections and effectively forge new partnerships.


What are Alternar's strength today?
Altenar's strength today is the sports betting module, which has more than 22 official data providers. It is a very robust tool for sports betting, where you can effectively count on a solution that has an uptime of 99% and is suitable for each region. It is tropicalized for each market where the client wants to operate.

Does this mean that it is targeted at each audience?
Yes, it depends a lot on each country and each region, which has a market with greater acceptance than another. It is necessary to customize it accordingly so that it meets the preferences of the user and the operator, so that there are no problems when operating.

Despite your recent incorporation, is it possible to take stock of what 2024 was like?
2024 was a good year. Many new partnerships were entered into, adjustments mainly regarding certifications. This was a very important piece of work, developed by the entire team, not only in Brazil, but in other countries and offices.

We already have the solution 100% in accordance with regulatory needs, and we are ready to serve our clients on January 1st.

What are the plans for 2025?
The plans are to continue growing, to serve our clients better and to bring in more business. That's our plan, slow and steady.

Source: Exclusive GMB