VIE 20 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024 - 08:33hs.
Published by Folha

Radar Febraban survey: eight out of ten Brazilians want regulation of online betting sites

The majority of Brazilians want the regulation of the so-called ‘Bets’, according to the survey commissioned by the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) and the National Confederation of Financial Institutions (CNF). The result of the survey published by Folha, indicates that 6 out of every 10 people want the federal government to make a strong intervention in regulation and supervision, while 19% of those interviewed defend a moderate intervention.

For the survey, the Institute of Social, Political and Economic Research (Ipespe) interviewed 2,000 adults from all regions of the country through telephone interviews and an online supplement.

The survey, conducted between October 15 and 23, has a margin of error of 2.2 percentage points, either way, with a confidence interval of 95.45%.

The survey shows that 40% of those interviewed stated that they gamble or have someone at home who gambles. Another 21% said they have stopped gambling.

Among those who gamble, 24% said they gamble every day; 18% once a week; 21% two or three times and 12% between four and six times a week.

Among them, 52% indicate that they spend between R$30 (US$5) and R$500 (US$80) per month. Their earnings from betting are limited. The survey shows that 52% admit that they lose more than they win (44%) or lose (8%).

The offer of ‘Bets’ has been permitted in Brazil since the end of 2018, but since then it has remained without rules or supervision. Last year, the regulatory process was initiated by the Lula government.

Only sites that have filed a request with the Ministry of Finance to operate legally can currently operate in the country. But the shift to a fully legalized and regulated market will begin in January 2025.

Source: Folha