MIÉ 8 DE ENERO DE 2025 - 05:15hs.
“Unreasonable” measure

Justice Ministry disagrees with Finance on the adjustment period given to ‘Bets’

The National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon), linked to the Ministry of Justice, took a stand against the adjustment period for the so-called ‘Bets’. The department argued that the interpretation of the period provided for in the current legislation is “unreasonable” and would presuppose the “hermeneutical absurdity of establishing the understanding that no one becomes addicted in six months.”

The document cites the Betting Law, signed by Lula in December 2023, and Ordinance No. 1,475, of the Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA), of the Ministry of Finance, which established the conditions for companies to participate in the transition period of the regulation to operate the service.

Senacon technicians write:

"It is not reasonable, nor rational, to understand that the same law that does not allow bonuses, because they generate addiction and dependence, tolerates them for six months so that companies can adapt to the legal prohibition. This would presuppose the hermeneutical absurdity of establishing the understanding that no one becomes addicted in six months. And even if this were not the case, such an interpretation would also not be authorized in view of the provisions of the Consumer Defense Code."

According to the Ministry of Finance, the publication of the list of 100 companies with 219 'Bets' - as operators are called - respectively that can continue operating until the end of the year was based on this ordinance.

Therefore, the phase of adaptation to the new rules created for companies that requested authorization, through the Betting Management System (Sigap), up until the date of publication of the ordinance, demonstrating their interest in adequately following the regulations and legislation, was considered.

Source: Column by Lauro Jardim in O Globo