SÁB 15 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 23:40hs.
Attempt to postpone discussion

CPI on Match Fixing calls for suspension of vote on bill that legalizes casinos in Brazil

The Senate's Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) on Match Fixing approved a request with a motion to recommend the suspension of discussion of Bill 2,234 that legalizes gambling in Brazil. In an attempt by Senator Girão to postpone the analysis of the matter, he asks for the resumption of the bill to take place after the definitive regulation of sports betting.

As an extra-agenda item at the meeting of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Match Fixing, a request was approved with a motion to recommend to the President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, to suspend the analysis of the bill that authorizes the operation of casinos, bingos and jogo do bicho in the country.

The request is from Senator Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE), vice-president of the CPI. He calls for the project to be resumed only after the online sports betting scenario is “properly adjusted and regulated.”

“The introduction of these games into the market, without online sports betting being properly regulated, could further worsen the problems already identified by the CPI. The absence of a solid regulatory framework for fixed odds betting makes the environment even more uncertain and potentially chaotic," says Girão.

In his justification, the senator once again points to addiction to gambling, an increase in cases of domestic violence, over-indebtedness among families and the diversion of billions of reais from productive sectors of the national economy to foreign platforms.

“Given this worrying scenario, the proposed vote on Bill 2234/2022, which aims to regulate games such as casinos, bingo, video bingo and Jogo do Bicho, raises an even more complex debate. The introduction of these games into the market, without online sports betting being properly regulated, could further worsen the problems already identified by the CPI. The absence of a solid regulatory framework for fixed-odd betting makes the environment even more uncertain and potentially chaotic,” concludes the opponent of legal gambling in Brazil.

Source: GMB