MIÉ 11 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:40hs.
On Tuesday (10)

House Committee to debate impact of online betting on debt and interest rate policy

The Finance and Taxation Committee (CFT) of the House of Representatives will discuss on Tuesday (10) the impact of online betting on population's debt and interest rate policy in Brazil. The debate was requested by the committee's president, Mário Negromonte Jr. (PP-BA), and will be held starting at 2 pm (local time).

The parliamentarian cited a recent survey by the Central Bank, according to which Brazilians spend, on average, R$20 billion (US$3.3bn) per month on online betting.

The study shows that more than 24 million individuals made at least one betting transaction via Pix in the first eight months of 2024, highlighting the urgency of mechanisms to prevent debt and addiction.

According to Mário Negromonte Jr., the BC is evaluating the impact of online betting on the population's debt and how this can influence the country's interest rate policy.

"The debate on this topic is timely, as it is a very important topic for the Brazilian financial and tax system," he argues.

The Committee invited a representative from the Ministry of Finance and the presidents of the Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gaming (IBJR), André Gelfi, and of the National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL), Plínio Lemos Jorge. By the time this article was published, the CFT had not received confirmation of the participation of any of them.

Source: Agência Câmara de Notícias