VIE 18 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 05:31hs.
Witoldo Hendrich Jr., co-founder and legal director

“Online IPS launched Convert for Brazil and our clients are already requesting it for other markets"

Online IPS launched Convert at ICE London, and co-founder Witoldo Hendrich Jr. spoke to GMB about the internally developed solution designed for the Brazilian market. The payment platform now features more detailed reports, a financial transaction interface, and agile customer identification to enhance both user and operator experiences. Beta clients are already requesting the solution to be made available for other markets.

GMB - Online IPS launched a new solution called Convert at ICE. Tell us about this tool.
Witoldo Hendrich Jr.
-ICE is the most important event in the industry and the time to showcase innovations. Convert is nothing more than our own technology of what we needed to outsource. The goal of Convert is simply to be better than what we had. We gathered the entire team to identify what wasn't working well, what was bothering us every day, and we decided to fix that. Convert is the culmination of everything we had from third parties that wasn't working the way we wanted. Now it's rounded out, and the team is happy.

So, it's a significant upgrade for Online IPS's solution?
Huge. We created it specially to serve the Brazilian market. We have an international gateway, running in the United States and Europe, but it was important that it be an intersection of everything, and in Brazil, we had some small flaws. The end customer didn't notice because the service was well provided, but it required more work on our part to adjust everything. That's over now, and the experience for the customer will be much better, especially regarding report issuance and the speed at which information arrives. It's a huge upgrade for us and a pleasant surprise for the clients.


What about the solution for the operator? Have they started to learn about the product, to try it out? How is that implementation phase going?
We chose two partners and invited them to try it out as "Beta Customers." It's working very well, and based on these results, with everyone happy, we understood that it was time to launch it in the market. We will gradually implement it for everyone. New customers already receive it with the new solution, while for existing ones, we want to migrate to Convert.

Since it's a new technology and requires some effort from the client's development side, we know that we have to get in line with their development. Little by little, we are bringing everyone on board, but so far, it has been a success, to the point that beta clients are requesting the solution to be made available for other jurisdictions where they operate.

Did this new development also take into account iGaming regulation in Brazil, or was it purely internal necessity?
It was an internal necessity, but as specific market demands arose, we decided to incorporate those changes. We took everything from regulatory drafts to excerpts from bills and incorporated everything necessary into Convert, ensuring greater security. We searched in legislation, both those already implemented and those still under discussion, for the best tools to incorporate into Convert.

Whether they will be required or not, it doesn't matter, right?
It's already there and ready! Exactly. It's there, and it doesn't harm anything, giving our client an added layer of security. If they're going to require it, we already have it. If they don't, we have it, and it will be available to our partners.

With all your knowledge and experience in the Brazilian market, have you become a consultant in the corridors of ICE this year?
People here ask a lot about what the regulation will be like. I joke that I don't know, but if someone says they know, they're lying. There are many decrees, ordinances to come out, a lot of paperwork in terms of regulation. So, if someone comes and says they know how it will be, those listening should filter the information. It's curious because I've seen similar situations in the past.

There's always someone wanting to create facilities or rules that don't exist. That's why it's important for people to verify information with experts like us. I heard conversations during the event that game developers would be required to have headquarters in Brazil, a local partner, and certifications elaborated in the country. That doesn't exist. Regulation targets the operator. People need to pay attention to that. Don't buy "land on the moon."

Source: Exclusive GMB