LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:33hs.
Marzia Turrini, President of Digital Gaming

“BMM to install a big lab in Brazil and it is already pre-certifying customers to operate there"

The newly appointed president of BMM's Digital Division, Marzia Turrini, talked with GMB during recent ICE London. The company's restructuring has led her to this prestigious position, which opens up possibilities for serving clients globally. With a focus on Brazil, she emphasized that the installation of a laboratory in the country will soon be completed, and that they are already pre-certifying clients intending to operate in the new regulated market.

GMB - What are the novelties from BMM, especially regarding the restructuring of the company's structure?
Marzia Turrini
- BMM is undergoing a complete restructuring. Previously, we worked by regions, and I was responsible for Europe and Latin America. Others were responsible for Asia, Australia, and Africa, and others for the United States and Canada. Now, the company operates by verticals, by segments. I am responsible for everything related to the digital part, security, and inspections. My colleague Kirk White is responsible for all land-based aspects, namely physical casinos. And then, of course, we have our divisions Big Cyber, led by Amit Sharma, and RG24, led by Wendy Anderson.

Brazil is going through a crucial moment due to the regulation of sports betting. How is BMM's work in the country?
After the approval of the law, all our existing clients and potential new ones ask us not only about Brazil but also about Peru. Obviously, Brazil is very trendy right now. As I previously announced in our last interview, BMM will open a laboratory in Brazil. For this, we are preparing so that all our clients have a global partner like us, who can meet their expectations regarding the Brazilian market. Obviously, right now, there are clients who are already pre-certifying to prepare for when we have the official standards of Brazil and can already conduct a gap test, as we call it, to be ready to launch their products, their platforms when the market finally opens.


How many people will be added to this office and laboratory in Brazil?
It's difficult to say because we are still in the early stages. But I think it will be a very big laboratory because, obviously, the market will be huge, but I emphasize that it will be very, very big.

Will this new laboratory serving only Brazil or the entire Latin America?
At the moment, as you already know, we have a laboratory in Peru that focuses more on the Latin American market. Therefore, the one in Brazil will focus more on the Brazilian market, but then we will see because you never know. And it's also important to say that not only will we enter as a certification laboratory, but we want to offer our clients all the solutions in the field of cybersecurity.

Additionally, we are adding a new product, and I will provide more information in our next interview. We are also reinforcing the training area, about responsible gaming, anti-money laundering, human trafficking, etc.

How are the conversations with the government going to understand all the technical requirements to have this laboratory in Brazil?
We are talking to the authorities and being supported by our lawyers because it is necessary to understand well, on the one hand, how the accreditation and licensing process of the laboratory will be, and on the other hand, to know exactly how we can help all the players in the Brazilian market and from outside who want to enter Brazil.


And with the operators who are already in Brazil and that are BMM clients?
Brazilian operators and providers are preparing themselves. They do not want to wait until everything is clear, so they start certifying themselves with generic standards to then only have to update when we have the Brazilian requirements, which we still do not know exactly what they will be. There are things that we know perfectly they will ask for, so we are advancing the work, as we did in Peru where, anticipating the new revolution in the online field, we helped our clients in a pre-compliance context so that they would arrive at the market opening practically ready and not have to wait.

And for Marzia Turrini, what does being the global digital president at BMM represent now?
It is an honor and a privilege. I have been with this company for 10 and a half years, and I am very satisfied with the work I have done at different times. And now it is one more positive achievement that allows me to move away from what is the Europe and Latin America theme and approach other markets, such as the United States, Asia, Africa, and Australia, and work with my colleagues in all segments, uniting forces, synergies, and being an excellent partner for our clients.

Source: Exclusive GMB