LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:39hs.
Sergio Longo, Regional Director Uruguay

"Fortaleza, Rio or São Paulo could be the cities for a BetConstruct headquarter in Brazil"

In an exclusive interview with GMB at the spectacular BetConstruct stand at ICE London 2024, Sergio Longo, Regional Director in Uruguay, reveals that the company's plan is to open an office in Brazil this year. “We are seeing which city it could be in, Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo,” comments the executive. While regulation intensifies, the company seeks to establish an even stronger presence, ensuring quality in its products and services.

GMB - How do you plan to further grow in the Latin American market?
Sergio Gabriel Longo
- It's a natural theme because the operator really chooses the partner that truly helps them grow. We are well-known in the market and our competitive advantage over the competition is that we are an absolutely complete solution because we have everything. We have platforms, integration of other products, we also have our own products such as Pascal, PopOK, we have the metaverse, our cryptocurrency, absolutely everything. Our advantage is the size of BetConstruct and the solidity of our solutions and service.

Regarding the Brazilian market, which is now being regulated, have you already analyzed the new regulations?
We are absolutely in agreement with regulation, it is very welcome. And also in Peru, for example, it is also being regulated. We are working hand in hand with the regulator, showing, understanding what needs to be done on our part to demonstrate that our platform really meets the technical standard that each of the regulations requires. Specifically for Brazil, for Peru also at this moment, where it is already regulated. Let Peru be able to count on our offer, with a platform that absolutely meets all the needs. Always side by side, very closely with the regulator and also with the operators that we currently have and that will apply for each of the regulations in the countries.


And still regarding the Brazilian market, do you plan to expand further, do you already have plans for an office?
Yes, Brazil is really a very important point for us, one of the most important markets in Latin America. We have many partners who trust us and that is why it is in the plan for this year to open an office there. We are seeing which city it could be, Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo.

We are really seeing where it will be not only a commercial office but there will also be technical support. And there will be, let's say, a small SoftConstruct with all our own brands working there and providing support, not only to the Brazilian market but also to the rest of Latin America following the other offices we already have. We have an office in Lima, where we offer technical support, and my office in Montevideo, where we have the account managers and project managers for all the projects in Latin America.


Sergio, in your opinion, what are the main challenges the industry will face this year?
The challenge in general that at least all the operators and all are telling me from the industry is to stay updated with regulation. Being able to comply with the regulations required by each country. This obviously is a very strong change, a very big change for the operators because it develops many transformations in operations, mainly. So this is the main challenge that is happening in the industry, at least in Latin America.

From my point of view, working with a company of support like ours, where we are working side by side with the regulations, is really a competitive advantage compared to the rest because we sincerely ensure that our support, our service, our products comply with what each of the regulators requires.

Source: Exclusive GMB