LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:42hs.
Pavel Maria, Romania CEO

"The innovative features of Imagine Live games are unique in the market"

During the last edition of ICE London, GMB had a conversation with Pavel Maria, the CEO for Romania at Imagine Live. The executive of the renowned online casino provider expressed his happiness with the positive reception of their products at the fair, such as 'Robin the Fair', recently launched during the event. 'We are preparing to expand into the European market at our new headquarters,' he stated.

Games Magazine Brasil - What can visitors of ICE London 2024 can expect from Imagine Live this year?
Pavel Maria
- I'm glad to be here and to see such a good response for our product, especially that we are new when it comes to Romania. We are preparing this expansion to the European market, with our new headquarters.

Mostly what we they not only expect but they will find is like Innovative features in our games. New games which are like unique in the market like, is ‘Robin The fair’, recently launch, during this particular event at ICE. And then generally will be solutions which they like allow them to get more for their players, to exceed them expectations with our products.


Can you mention a few things about Imagine Live in Romania, like the new studio you are building there?
It’s under construction now, we don't have yet a release date, but he will reach up to roughly 700, 750 employees and then we are aiming for, at least 50 tables, or more. 50 plus tables at the moment.

What are the key features that you think make Image Live one of the best premium live dealer online casino games?
It's about innovation and key features which they will change a little bit the perception and the experience of our players, of our partners players. And also, solution it there with makes their experience on the life casino a little bit flawless or more fluent, where they actually would focus on entertainment. Everything will go so smooth that they will actually want to spend more time with our entertainment to our games.


What are the plans of the company now for the marketing Europe and around the world?
We keep acquiring licenses from European markets gaming regulators like Malta and UK and then we continue with everything else that is well regulated market. Of course, we have our eyes open on the Latin American Asia and everywhere else where we actually we can find good partners to expand our business.

Are you considering to build a studio in Brazil, Latin America or not?
I think it's too early to mention that. I think this is some business decision that it will come in due time from our investors, but I believe that never say never. As long there is a possibility and interest, of course we are thinking to reach any or all the possible markets for that matter.

Finally, what message would you like to express as leader of Imagine Live Romania for this 2024?
Thank you for inviting me and for having this interview and I hope that we achieve our goals.

Source: Exclusive GMB