LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:41hs.
André Vinícius de Alencar Alves, partner at Control F5

What are the greatest benefits of market regulation for Brazil?

André Vinícius de Alencar Alves, partner at Control F5, highlights the benefits of regulating the iGaming market in Brazil in an exclusive article for GMB. This includes more revenue, combating illegal gambling, consumer protection, tourism stimulation, economic development, and fostering technology and innovation. These measures can bring positive impacts if implemented rationally and responsibly, considering the interests of all involved parties.

Brazil is at the center of a definitive change due to the regulation of the gaming and betting market. This industry has long operated in a grey area, without clear legislation to guide its activities.

Now, proper regulation can bring a series of real benefits to the country, from revenue generation to consumer protection. It is a fact that we still have a way to go in fully regulating the market, and in the best way possible. But undoubtedly, we already have a significant advancement in this regard, never seen before in the country.

Therefore, let's list here the greatest benefits of market regulation for Brazil, shall we?

Increased tax revenue

One of the main benefits of regulating the gaming and betting market is the increase in tax revenue for the government. Legalizing and taxing these activities could generate billions of reales in additional revenue each year. This money can be directed towards investments in areas such as healthcare, education, and public security, benefiting the entire Brazilian society.

Combating illegal gambling and money laundering

Market regulation also helps combat illegal gambling and money laundering. Currently, a significant portion of these activities occurs in an unregulated environment, facilitating the practice of financial crimes.

According to data from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, it is estimated that billions of reales are moved annually through illegal gambling in Brazil. By legalizing and regulating the sector, it is possible to implement more effective control mechanisms to detect and prevent illicit activities.

Consumer protection

Regulating the betting market is also crucial to protect consumers. With clear rules and transparency in games, bettors have more assurances that they are participating in fair and safe activities.

Additionally, regulatory bodies can impose rigorous requirements for the protection of vulnerable players, such as betting limits and access to programs for preventing gambling addiction. These responsible gaming measures are essential to ensure that entertainment does not turn into a public health problem.

Stimulating tourism and economic development

Stimulating tourism and promoting economic development in specific regions of Brazil is another benefit of regulation.

Countries that have legalized casinos and other types of games have seen an increase in gaming tourism, with visitors interested in experiencing the entertainment offerings. This can generate jobs, attract investments, and revitalize urban areas, as it happened in cities like Las Vegas and Macau.

Fostering technology and innovations

Finally, regulation also has the power to foster innovation and technological development in our country. With a clear regulatory framework, companies have more incentives to invest in new technologies and innovative services to attract customers and improve the user experience. This can benefit not only the gaming sector but also other related industries, such as information and communication technology.

In conclusion, this process we are going through does have the potential to bring a series of significant benefits to Brazil. However, it is very important that this regulation be implemented rationally and responsibly, taking into account the interests of all involved parties and ensuring that integrity and security standards are rigorously applied.

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André Vinícius de Alencar Alves
Partner at Control F5