VIE 14 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 08:47hs.
In the Senate

Communication and Digital Law Commission approves ban on online payments for illegal games

The Senate Communication and Digital Law Committee approved this Wednesday (21) Bill 3,403/2023, which prohibits payments over the internet for games considered illegal in Brazil. The project now goes for analysis by the Economic Affairs Commission (CAE). The proposal gives financial institutions and payment companies the responsibility for adopting procedures to identify and prevent these transactions.

The proposal includes prohibited payment methods such as debit and credit cards, pix and available electronic transfer (TED), on websites inside or outside Brazil.

The rapporteur of the matter, senator Hamilton Mourão (Republicanos-RS) expressed concern about the profusion of websites that offer betting games and the problems caused to citizens.

“The wide availability of these easily accessible games on the internet has led individuals and families to increasing financial problems,” stated the rapporteur.

The parliamentarian highlighted the health problems caused to individuals who place bets in the lottery modality known as fixed-odds (a system where people place bets and receive prizes based on real sporting events).

“It has caused a dangerous explosion of pathological conditions associated with gambling disorder, which is the medical condition that characterizes a person’s compulsion for gambling,” he argued.

The senator included an amendment deleting an article that provides for the regulation of the matter by the National Monetary Council (CMN), which, in his opinion, could raise questions regarding the constitutionality of the project.

“I also highlight that the Executive Branch may issue a decree and other regulations to faithfully comply with the law to be enacted”, he concluded.

If approved, banks and financing companies that do not stop irregular payments could be fined up to one hundred times the value of the transactions.

Source: Senado Agency