VIE 14 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 08:37hs.
ESPN and journalist information

Fluminense and Superbet close a master sponsorship agreement that could reach US$ 30 million

Fluminense is expected to feature a new brand on its jersey in 2024. Superbet has reached an agreement with the club to become the new main sponsor. The values can range from R$ 40 million to R$ 50 million annually (US$ 8m to US$ 10m). The information was published by journalist Victor Lessa and confirmed by ESPN's report. For its part, Flu denied the version.

The new agreement is expected to be sealed after the CONMEBOL Recopa dispute, which will be broadcast on ESPN via Star+ on February 22 and 29, with an announcement planned for the end of March.

The values can range from R$ 40 million to R$ 50 million (US$ 8mn to US$ 10m) annually according to goal achievement, something that would make Tricolor the 5th largest main sponsorship in Brazil, behind Corinthians, Flamengo, Palmeiras, and São Paulo.

The contract with the new company would be valid for three seasons, potentially reaching R$ 150 million if all goals are met.

The São Paulo Tricolor, in fact, is sponsored by the same Superbet, which chose to make a contract on the same terms with the Rio team - including in the values.

Before sealing the deal with the new brand, however, Fluminense will have to resolve the current contract with Betano. The agreement signed at the end of 2022 runs until December 2025, with a pre-established termination fee. The values were not disclosed.

Since the beginning of the year, the board of the Laranjeiras club has started talks to receive new main sponsorship values as they consider the current agreement outdated. The initial plan was to talk to the current sponsor, while listening to proposals from other companies.

In an official statement, Tricolor denied last Tuesday (20) that it had entered into a new agreement and reiterated its current commitment to sponsor Betano. The two parties have been together since June 2021.

Through an official statement, the Laranjeiras club denied the information and emphasized that it still has a contract with Betano:

"Fluminense FC clarifies that it has not entered into any new main sponsorship agreement. The club has a valid contract with Betano, with whom it nurtures a relationship of mutual respect. Fluminense is attentive to the valuation of its brand and the dynamics of the market, which has appreciated, having received contact from companies in the same sector, with whom it has maintained negotiations. We reaffirm the commitment to seek the best for the club with responsibility and integrity," says the statement released by Fluminense.

Source: GMB / ESPN