Provisional Measure 1,206/2024, published by the federal government, changes the monthly income tax table for individuals, guaranteeing exemption for those who receive up to two minimum wages (currently, R$2,824 / US$ 572). As the PM does not deal with sports betting and President Lula vetoed tax exemptions below the first tranche, federal deputy Marangoni (União-SP) presented an amendment to include the activity in the MP.
He points out that Lula's veto on the exemption previously provided for in Bill3,626/2023 ignores that sports betting has its own dynamic, different from other lottery modalities. According to Marangoni, “this initiative generated legal uncertainty for the regulator and for fixed-odd betting operators when applying the IRPF legislation.”
In the amendment, Marangoni defines that the IRPF will be levied on net prizes, “considering those resulting from the positive result obtained in fixed-odd bets made each year, after deducting losses incurred with bets of the same nature.”
It defines that income tax, calculated annually, must be paid by the taxpayer by the last business day of the month following the calculation.
Thus, the deputy's proposal is that the article be included in practically the same terms as Bill 3,626/2023, transformed into Law 14,790, which had this topic vetoed by President Lula.
In his justification, Marangoni indicates that the amendment to the MP aims to “redress this distortion created by the veto, taking advantage of the thematic relevance between the matters, as it concerns IRPF and the application of the first exemption band of the progressive table.”
“In addition to the express application of the exemption range, this amendment also delimits the calculation basis, that is, the net premiums, and defines the calculation period. All of these points, in addition to being completely in line with the objective of the PM, were also unanimously approved by the Legislative Houses at the end of last year,” he points out in his justification.
Source: GMB