VIE 14 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 08:58hs.
Peter Nolte, founder

“Salsa Technology already has the first license in Brazil and will grow with the market development”

In an exclusive interview with GMB during ICE London, Peter Nolte, founder of Salsa Technology, highlighted that Brazil was the most talked about topic at the event. He celebrated the fact that the company already operates in Paraná with its partner “As I have always said, Salsa would be one of the first certified companies with technology prepared for the regulated market. And that’s what’s happening.”

GMB - How are the businesses going here at ICE London, and what are your expectations for the Brazilian market, which is effectively opening up from now on?
Peter Nolte
- This is the largest ICE we've ever participated in. It's a farewell we're bidding to London because next year, we'll be in Barcelona, but the farewell is with a much larger ICE and with a huge presence of Brazilians. Today, the main theme is Brazil and what is happening in the country. Many deals are being closed in the corridors, with many groups interested in investing in Brazil. So, we, as Salsa, as a technology provider focused on Brazil and aiming to be the largest technology supplier in the regulated Brazilian market, it's been excellent. Everyone comes to us, and we have proven technology already.

As you know, our client launched yesterday the first licensed website in Paraná, one of the five licensed sites,, which uses 100% of our technology, platform, and all our CRM systems, security systems, etc. As I always said, I wanted Salsa to be one of the first certified companies with technology prepared for the regulated market. And that's what's happening.


By the way, it's not just a platform technology but also a game aggregator, Salsa Gator, which is a success, with thousands of games from over 90 providers. Is that a big differentiator for Salsa?
Actually, we've grown, and we have over 120 providers today. The main providers here at ICE are our providers. Additionally, we have over 80 or 90 clients using our aggregator, and it's been a success. It's very difficult for an operator to have and integrate content from 10, 20, 30, 50 to 100 providers. With us, it's much easier, and with integration, they have access to over 15,000 games from over 120 providers and still have all our support in terms of marketing, metrics, and whatever they need. Obviously, with the volume we have, we often - or most of the time - offer a better price than if they went directly to the provider.

Did you expect such incredible growth as Salsa has achieved especially in recent years?
Look, I'll tell you the truth, we've been around for 5 years, and during that time, we built the structure, the technology, and it wasn't easy at all; it was a huge investment that we made over 5 years. But you're right, in recent years, Salsa has started to grow a lot because the technology has proven to be effective, and people started to know us and trust us. And success is the result of that.

What are the main tools besides the game aggregator and the platform that Salsa Technology offers today?
Actually, we have a set of tools that all work together and encompass payment and CRM systems, among other functionalities. It's composed of a sports betting platform, which has all its content integrated. We have something that only we have, which is an agent system. Remember that all sports betting regulations will be done for online and also for retail, meaning for physical stores. This connection between the online site along with the physical points is what we call an agent system that we've been developing for years. This system has already been tested and is working very well in Paraguay, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. No one has yet thought about the importance of this agent system to connect online sports betting to physical points.


So, it's a complete solution for a market that from now on will also be complete?
Yes. Long live the regulation that allowed us this. It's Brazil's turn, and the regulation is very serious. I think the market potential is incredible, including for Brazilians to participate actively, not just the big international players. There is room for Brazilians to invest, learn, and participate in this booming industry.


As a deep connoisseur of the global market, having already worked in the machine segment, do you believe that the regulation of sports betting and online gambling will pave the way for the legalization of other verticals, such as land-based casinos?
I have no doubt that we will see the Brazilian market 100% regulated. Within four or five years, we will be one of the largest gaming markets in the world, both online and land-based, including casinos and bingo. Brazil deserves it; the government needs to receive gaming taxes and implement a very serious regulation.

Source: Exclusive GMB