GMB - You've just signed a new and important contract with the ATP. Will this provide even more tools for those involved in tennis sports betting and for sports enthusiasts?
Mateo Lenoble - Yes. As you mentioned, the closing of the contract with the ATP is significant news for us. It's incredible for tennis enthusiasts. We are creating very attractive solutions for our clients and ultimately for the end bettor, which is everyone's interest. So, it's a very, very important development.
Your approach with the major global sports entities has increasingly strengthened Sportradar's presence in regulated markets. Is it a trademark of Sportradar?
It's one of Sportradar's strategies, and we always support regulated markets, and Brazil is no exception. We are very interested in how the market will develop, which is why we are also close to the Ministry of Finance and the regulator. We are very excited about the upcoming developments regarding regulation.
Did you showcase all Sportradar solutions at ICE, such as integrity, risk management, and ads?
Yes, we are very focused on our risk management, something that is very important for the global market and especially for the Brazilian market. We analyze the risks of bets for our operator clients so they can be more relaxed and accept bets. We also presented our marketing and ad products to send more bettors to our clients and to work more on bettor acquisition and retention.
In Brazil, throughout 2023, you showed the importance of integrity. Has this also set Sportradar apart over the past year?
We understand that integrity keeps sports clean, which is very important especially for our clients. Match-fixing is a problem for everyone and for business, as it becomes uninteresting for the bettor, the bookmaker, and us as well. Our main responsibility is to ensure integrity in sports, and we have been very active on this issue in Brazil last year and continue to monitor the market in the same way.
The regulations for sports betting in Brazil are about to be released. What are Sportradar's plans when everything is published?
Our presence in Brazil is very strong, where we have been working since the legalization of sports betting. With regulation, we plan to be even closer to local competitions, clients, and also the regulator. We understand that forming all strategies with current clients and those who want to enter Brazil with our experience will be a tactic to win.
With Sportradar's positioning in Brazil, was the company sought after by global players who have not yet entered the Brazilian market at ICE?
This is very interesting regarding the Brazilian market. Currently, there are many significant operators in Brazil, but the entire industry is focused on the country. Some international players still do not have as much knowledge or experience about the market as local operators and those already in the country. Since we have experience, they are seeking us for information on the best way to enter the market. We have a dedicated team for Brazil and plans to continue expanding the team because the demand is very high. It is a commitment from Sportradar to the Brazilian market.
Source: Exclusive GMB