LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:45hs.
Improve supervision in Paraná

Lottopar trains its staff on safe and responsible gambling

To achieve the highest standards of security and responsibility in lottery modalities in Paraná, Lottopar initiated a series of training for its employees with the aim of improving supervision. Throughout last week, staff in the operations department received training in safe and responsible gaming, covering topics such as these policies, gaming certification and integrity.

Employees from Lottopar's operations department participated in training in safe gaming and responsible gaming, where topics relevant to these policies were addressed, such as certification of games and gaming systems, security of information systems and joint work with companies that investigate the integrity of sporting events and social responsibility.

These are topics that must guide the governance of operators, in order to maintain principles of excellence due to the presence of values such as ethics, transparency and accountability in the conduct of the sports betting market, representing the guarantee of trust and credibility among bettors. Paraná.

The objective is to further qualify our employees so that we can carry out the planned actions related to the responsibility and security of the lottery market, monitor the concessionaires so that these policies are implemented and provide assistance to the people of Paraná who seek us out. That is why it is necessary to have good knowledge about this very relevant topic”, stated the operations director, Fabio Veiga.

Cibelae and WLA

Lottopar was the first state lottery to be associated with two of the largest lottery associations in the world and which are global authorities on responsible gaming. Lottopar, as a member of the Ibero-American Lottery and Betting Corporation (Cibelae), seeks to strengthen ties with other state lotteries in order to share knowledge and experiences in areas such as responsible gaming, money laundering prevention and social responsibility.

Lottopar was also the first state lottery in Brazil to join the World Lottery Association (WLA), the largest lottery association in the world, which brings together more than 150 state lotteries, in 80 countries, on five continents. This international entity is considered a global authority in the sector that seeks to uphold the highest ethical principles in safe gaming and responsible gaming.

Source: GMB