VIE 14 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 01:20hs.
Request for public hearing

Manipulation of results returns to the scene in the Senate Sports Committee

The manipulation of football results involving sports betting returns to the scene in the Senate Sports Committee. The collegiate will meet again this Wednesday (28) and will vote on request 1/2024-CEsp, which intends to debate match-fixing in the 2023 Brazilian Football Championship. The authors of the request are senators Eduardo Girão (Novo- CE) and Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ).

The Senate Sports Committee meets this Wednesday (28) to deliberate on five items on the agenda. Among them, request 1/2024-CEsp, for a public hearing on manipulation of results in the 2023 Brazilian Championship. The authors of the request, senators Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE) and Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ), draw attention to the advancement of “hoaxes” involving corruption in sports betting in Brazil.

They suggest inviting the CEO of Good Game!, Thierry Hassanaly, to the hearing, who worked on the analysis of arbitration in the Campeonato Carioca and declared that he was “99% convinced” that some games were rigged.

“Gambling, in addition to being an addiction that leads many people to lose their mental health and all their assets, is always a big open door for serious crimes such as money laundering, among others linked to the corruption of athletes and referees,” the senators comment in justifying their request.

Last year, the Chamber of Deputies installed a CPI to discuss the topic and after exhaustive debates, a final report was not generated on what was discussed. During the public hearings and discussions, much was said about bookmakers and it was very well understood that they are also victims of criminal practices.

Now, the two senators, known for their stance against betting, are once again attacking the sector, demonstrating a complete lack of knowledge of the dynamics of the sports betting market. In the justification contained in the request, they point to Law 14,790, sanctioned by President Lula, as another motivator for the Sports Commission to listen to the CEO of Good Game so that he can bring his experience in manipulating results.

The CEsp meeting takes place this Wednesday, 28th, starting at 10:30 am.

Source: Senado Agency / GMB