VIE 27 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:21hs.
Similar matter is stopped in Chamber

Deputy presents project to allocate 0.1% of betting revenue to deaf sports in Brazil

Federal deputy Júlio César Ribeiro presented Bill 448/24, which intends to direct part of the revenue from sports betting to the Brazilian Confederation of Deaf Sports (CBDS). Previously, he was rapporteur on a similar matter in the Chamber that proposed the transfer of lotteries to the same entity and was last processed in October last year.

Bill 448/24 allocates 0.1% of revenue from sports betting to the Brazilian Confederation of Deaf Sports (CBDS by its name in Portuguese). “By allocating resources to CBDS, we are ensuring that deaf people have access to sports programs and initiatives suited to their needs,” said deputy Julio Cesar Ribeiro (Republicanos-DF), author of the project.

Currently, Law 14,790, which regulates sports betting and online games, allocates 88% of sales revenue to companies. The remaining 12% is divided between different areas, with the Ministry of Sports accounting for 22.2%.

Bill 448/24 reduces this percentage to 22.1% and allocates the difference (0.1%) to CBDS.

In 2021, deputy Marcelo Aro (PP-MG) presented a similar project. He proposed that 0.01% of the proceeds from prediction lotteries would be directed to CBDS. After discussions in the Committees and with favorable reports, the PL did not move forward.

The new project will be analyzed, conclusively, in the Defense of the Rights of People with Disabilities, Sports, Finance and Taxation and Constitution and Justice and Citizenship committees.

Source: GMB / Agência Câmara de Notícias