VIE 27 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:46hs.
Goias state, Brazil

Anapólis makes a public call to structure its municipal lottery

The City of Anápolis (GO) published in the Official Gazette of the Union a Public Call Notice to carry out the Expression of Interest Procedure (PMI by its name in Portuguese), with the aim of receiving technical-operational, economic-financial and legal-institutional feasibility studies, for structuring a lottery service delegation model. Interested parties must send documents by March 27th.

The Municipality of Anápolis (GO), represented by the Municipal Secretariat of Economy and Planning and the Permanent Tender Committee, makes Public Call 001/2024 public. The object is the PMI for the carrying out, by potential interested parties, of technical-operational, economic-financial and legal-institutional feasibility studies, to structure a model for delegating municipal lottery services.

Interested parties must submit documents by March 27th, sending an email to [email protected] or delivering them in person to the Permanent Bidding Committee of the Municipality of Anápolis, located at Av. Brasil, no. . 200, Centro, Anápolis - Goiás.

The complete Notice and its annexes can be obtained by clicking here. More information: (62) 3902-2000.

Mayor Roberto Naves (Republicans) sanctioned Law 535/2023 in October, which creates the public lottery service that will finance the Social Security Institute for Municipal Employees of Anápolis/GO. The Anápolis Municipal Lottery (Lotan) was proposed and approved by the City Council, in an extraordinary session at the beginning of that month.

The law gave the Executive the power to manage the lottery and determines that 80% of the revenue will be directed to financing the social security system of the Social Security Institute for Municipal Employees of Anápolis - ISSA. Of the total amount, 20% goes to social projects in the areas of sport, culture and tourism.

According to the law, the public municipal lottery service will be operated directly or indirectly by the Executive Branch, which is responsible for authorizing, accrediting, inspecting, granting, permitting and managing the entire lottery service, and may delegate such powers to other municipal public administration bodies.

At the end of November, the mayor established a Technical Analysis Group for the implementation of Lotan, when he appointed the president of the Social Security Institute of Anápolis to direct the work.

GTA's work culminated in the preparation of Public Call Notice 001/2024, whose purpose is the Expression of Interest Procedure – PMI for business modeling.

Source: GMB