LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:43hs.
André Vinícius de Alencar Alves, partner at Control F5

Marketing strategies in sports betting and iGaming: get to know each stage well

Deep understanding of the player engagement process is crucial in the gaming and sports betting industry. From discovery to retention, every step is vital. Strategies such as content marketing and exclusive offers are essential, in the opinion of André Vinícius de Alencar Alves, partner at Control F5. In an exclusive article for GMB, he points out the steps involved in the process of captivating and retaining users and which strengthen a brand's reputation.

In our industry, competing for public attention has become an increasingly difficult task. The complication often has a clear cause: a lack of understanding of marketing processes and tools as a whole. So, today are we going to talk about root marketing?

A cool thing: at the end of this text, you'll have access to an infographic with more details about what we're going to talk about here! Well, let's go!

Understanding deeply and mastering each stage of the player engagement process is essential for the success of any marketing strategy. From the initial discovery stage to the critical retention phase, each step plays a vital role in the consumer journey. Let's delve deeper into these stages and understand the role of the promoter in each of them.

  1. Discovery: I'm going to learn about the product

The discovery phase is the starting point of the player's journey. Here, individuals identify an interest or curiosity about games or betting.

Content marketing strategies, such as betting tips, game analyses, and active presence on social media platforms, play a significant role in this stage by providing relevant information and sparking the interest of the target audience.

According to SuperData, 42% of players discover new games through online videos.

  1. Consideration: Should I buy or not?

Once the player recognizes their interest, they enter the consideration phase, where they explore the available options to satisfy their need for entertainment or, in our case, betting.

At this stage, companies can leverage techniques such as game trailers, free demos, and exclusive offers to highlight the advantages of their products or platforms.

According to Newzoo, 63% of players consider friends' recommendations when choosing a new game to play.

  1. Purchase: My big decision

The purchase phase is the conversion point, where the player decides to make their deposit or participate in a bet. Facilitating this process is essential, whether through an intuitive purchasing experience on your website, secure payment methods, or welcome bonuses.

According to Juniper Research, global revenues from the mobile gaming industry reached $121 billion in 2020.

  1. Retention: Do I stay or go to the competitor?

After the deposit or participation in a bet, the challenge is to keep the player engaged and satisfied to ensure their loyalty to the platform or brand. Reward programs, special events, and regular content updates are key strategies at this stage.

According to Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, player retention is 37% higher on platforms that offer rewards and exclusive benefits.

  1. The role of the customer: the promoter

In the context of the gaming and betting industry, the promoter is essentially a satisfied customer who promotes the brand for free due to the high level of satisfaction they experienced with the platform.

Additionally, promoters can act as advocates for the platform or game, encouraging word-of-mouth recommendations among friends, family, and colleagues. These personal recommendations are highly valued as they reflect the customer's trust and satisfaction with the experience provided.

A study by Deloitte indicates that 48% of players are influenced by friends' recommendations when choosing a game, highlighting the significant impact promoters have on players' decision-making process.

Therefore, promoters play an extremely important role not only in acquiring new players but also in building a loyal and engaged user base. Their spontaneous and genuine advocacy contributes to the organic growth of the business and strengthens the brand's reputation within the gaming community.

Access here an infographic that details the strategies and tools that are used in each part of the journey.

Want to know even more details about each stage and how it consolidates into a successful strategic marketing plan? Get in touch with me!

André Vinícius de Alencar Alves
Partner at Control F5