LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:30hs.
Carlos Gama, Games and eSports VP at Assespro/RJ

National Development Plan for eSports in Brazil: the local impacts of a global market

Open and ongoing dialogue with key eSports actors is crucial to an effective national eSports development plan. This is the analysis of Carlos Gama, Games and eSports VP at Assespro/RJ, who defends the development of short and medium-term projects as well as transparency and integrity measures in sports management, to contribute to the growth of the activity in Brazil. For him, all spheres of power must also get involved in the debate.

The open and ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders in the esports landscape is essential for the development of an efficient and successful national plan. Publishers, athletes, esports organizations, leagues, platforms, confederations, federations, and private companies all play essential roles in promoting and growing this sector. Their active participation in the formulation and implementation of policies and strategies is crucial to ensure the progress and sustainability of esports in Brazil.

By establishing an open dialogue with these key actors, it's possible to identify and address fundamental issues such as regulation, financial support, infrastructure, athlete and professional training, and the creation of a legally secure environment conducive to the development of the esports industry.

Moreover, collaboration between the Executive and Legislative branches at the Municipal, State, and Federal levels is essential for implementing measures and public policies that encourage esports practice and promote its recognition as a legitimate and relevant activity in the national sports scene.

A National Plan for the Development of Esports should be built in a participatory and inclusive manner, taking into account the different perspectives and interests of the various segments involved. By promoting open dialogue and cooperation among the different actors in the esports ecosystem, it's possible to create an environment conducive to the growth and strengthening of this innovative and ever-evolving industry.

How to start debate and discussion

For the development of a National Plan for the Development of Esports in Brazil, it's important to use a series of tools and resources to map, plan, and implement the necessary actions for sustainable and organized growth of this industry. Some key tools that can assist in this process include:

  1. Market research and studies: Conducting market research and studies to understand the current landscape of esports in Brazil, identify trends, demands, challenges, and growth opportunities.
  2. Public consultations: Holding public consultations with different stakeholders involved in esports to gather information, suggestions, and feedback on the necessary measures for sector development.
  3. International benchmarking: Analyzing and drawing inspiration from successful initiatives in other countries in esports development, adapting and applying best practices to the Brazilian context.
  4. Working groups: Creating working groups with representatives from publishers, athletes, esports organizations, leagues, platforms, confederations, federations, as well as the Executive Power - Ministry of Sports and Municipal and State Sports and Leisure Secretariats, and the Legislative Power - Chamber of Deputies (Sports Commission: Special Subcommittee on Esports and Parliamentary Front for Esports and Games) Legislative Assemblies, and Municipal Councils, to discuss and develop concrete proposals with local impact for the national plan.
  5. Public hearings: Holding public hearings to discuss and present the national esports development plan, involving experts, sector entities, government authorities, and civil society.
  6. Public-private partnerships: Establishing strategic partnerships between the government, private companies, and sector organizations to enable the implementation of planned actions.

With the proper use of these tools and resources, it's possible to initiate debate and discussion on the development of a National Plan for the Development of Esports in Brazil that is effective, comprehensive, and capable of driving growth and professionalization of esports in the country.

Short, medium, and long-term objectives

The National Plan for the Development of Esports should establish clear and achievable short, medium, and long-term objectives to boost the growth and professionalization of esports in Brazilian municipalities. Some goals that can be considered for each of these periods are:

Short term (up to 2 years):

  1. Creation of incentive programs and training of esports athletes in municipal schools, with the implementation of school tournaments and related activities.
  2. Encouragement of the creation of esports arenas in public spaces, promoting local events and competitions.
  3. Development of courses and training for professionals in the sector, aiming to qualify the workforce and generate jobs.
  4. Establishment of partnerships with local companies and organizations to foster the esports ecosystem in the municipality.

Medium term (2 to 5 years):

  1. Creation of esports excellence centers, with adequate infrastructure for athlete training, high-level competitions, and research development in the area.
  2. Implementation of fiscal incentive policies for esports companies, aiming to stimulate investments and the creation of new business opportunities.
  3. Expansion of the offer of technical and higher education courses focused on esports, promoting the training of qualified and specialized professionals in the sector.
  4. Strengthening of partnerships with national and international leagues and federations, aiming to insert Brazilian municipalities into the global esports scene.

    Long term (5 to 8 years):
  1. Consolidation of Brazilian municipalities as international references in esports, with the holding of major events, competitions, and conferences in the sector.
  2. Creation of specific public policies for esports, ensuring the sustainability and continuous development of the sector in municipalities.
  3. Inclusion of esports in the official sports calendar of municipalities, with institutional recognition and support for competitions and athletes.
  4. Promotion of the internationalization of Brazilian esports, with exchange programs and participation in international events and leagues, strengthening the country's image in the global eSports scene.

With the definition of short, medium, and long-term goals, the National Plan for the Development of Esports can guide the actions and investments necessary to boost the growth and professionalization of esports in Brazilian municipalities.

Transparency and integrity in sports management

The National Plan for the Development of Esports in Brazil should address issues such as compliance, sports governance, and transparency in cases of public resources in a rigorous and transparent manner, aiming to ensure the integrity and sustainability of the esports sector in the country. Some measures and guidelines that can be adopted include:

  1. Implementation of mechanisms for control and oversight of public resources allocated to esports, ensuring transparency in their application and avoiding deviations or irregularities.
  2. Establishment of compliance norms and policies for esports organizations, leagues, and federations, with clear rules and standardized procedures to ensure compliance with legislation and best practices.
  3. Adoption of corporate governance practices in sports entities, including the creation of boards of directors, ethics and compliance committees, and mechanisms for accountability and transparency in management.
  4. Conducting periodic internal and external audits to assess the compliance of sports entities with established norms and guidelines, ensuring fairness and efficiency in the use of public resources.
  5. Training and capacity-building for managers and officials of sports entities, aiming to disseminate a culture of compliance and transparency and strengthen governance practices in the esports sector.

By incorporating these guidelines and control measures into the National Plan for the Development of Esports, Brazil can ensure the integrity and credibility of the esports sector, as well as promote its professionalization and sustainable development in the country. Additionally, transparency and good governance will contribute to building a positive image of esports among society and investors, stimulating the growth and appreciation of the sector at the national and international levels.

National sports system for eSports

To establish a National Sports System for esports, the National Plan for the Development of Esports should contemplate some important guidelines:

Firstly, it's essential for the plan to clearly and specifically define the responsibilities of each government sphere (Municipal, State, and Federal) in the planning and application of public resources allocated to esports.

This includes the creation of programs and projects that promote esports practice in schools, universities, clubs, esports organizations, and gaming communities, as well as support and strengthening of leagues and competitions at various levels of professionalization. Actions that will reduce project duplication, increase quality and efficiency of initiatives, and promote monitoring and possible adjustments.

Furthermore, it's important to establish mechanisms for coordination and cooperation among different government levels to ensure integration and complementarity of actions aimed at esports. This may include the creation of a national esports council, composed of representatives from all government spheres and civil society, to guide and monitor the implementation of public policies in the area.

Another relevant point is the need for investments in infrastructure and the training of qualified human resources to work in the field of esports, thus ensuring the sustainability and development of the modality in the country. This includes the creation of training centers and athlete training, promotion of courses and training for coaches and team managers, and stimulation of research and innovation in the sector.

Finally, it's essential for the National Plan for the Development of Esports to be aligned with the guidelines of the National Plan for Sport and Physical Education, in order to ensure integration and promotion of esports as a recognized and valued sports modality in the national context. Cooperation and dialogue among different government spheres, educational institutions, national sports administration entities, and civil society are essential for the success and sustainability of the National Sports System for eSports.

Let's start the debate!

Carlos Gama
Games and eSports VP at Assespro/RJ