VIE 18 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 05:29hs.
Requirement to operate

Lottopar reinforces that geolocation guarantees territoriality of sports betting in Paraná

One of the requirements for betting sites to receive authorization to operate in Paraná is that they must adopt measures to restrict bettors who are not betting in the State. To do this, they must use geolocation tools and/or georeferenced fences (GPS) to locate the user, indicates Lottopar, which regulated the activity at the state level and complies with the federal determination that it should not exceed territorial limits.

This measure is valid for sites regulated by Lottopar and thus guarantees legal respect for territoriality, that is, only bettors who are in Paraná can register and place bets. The measure aims to prevent a website from offering sports betting throughout the national territory.

Furthermore, with the advent of Law No. 14,790/2023, Lottopar highlights the following article of federal legislation as a way of showing that it complies with the rules:

“Art. 35-A. § 4 The commercialization and advertising of lotteries by the States or the Federal District carried out in physical, electronic or virtual media will be restricted to people physically located within the limits of their districts or to those domiciled within their territoriality.”


Geolocation refers to identifying the geographic location of a user or computing device via various data collection mechanisms.

Typically, most geolocation services use network routing addresses or internal GPS devices to determine this location.

Geolocation is a device-specific API. This means that browsers or devices need to support geolocation to use this feature in web applications.

Source: GMB