VIE 18 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 05:38hs.
Wednesday, at 2 p.m.

Sports betting parliamentary commission defines work plan next week

Installed this week, the Senate Sports Betting Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) will publish and vote on its work plan at a meeting scheduled for Wednesday (17), at 2 p.m.. The president of the commission is senator Jorge Kajuru, and the rapporteur is Romário, author of the request that gave rise to the CPI.

The complaints to be investigated by the CPI involve players, managers and betting companies. In his application, Romário states that sports betting currently generates a lot of money and that the possible enticement of players and managers to manipulate results could put the credibility of the games at risk.

“It is worth remembering that football is an important economic activity in our country, which generates tens of thousands of jobs and drives an important direct and indirect income generation chain. It is, therefore, the duty of the State to regulate and supervise its activities, in the name of the public interest,” argues Romário, in the request.

The entire work plan of the Parliamentary Inquiry Commission is already being worked on by the president and vice-president of the CPI and will be presented next Wednesday (17), for discussion and approval by the collegiate.

The CPI is made up of 11 full senators and 7 substitutes, and is expected to last 180 days.

To date, the names defined as titular are:

  • Ciro Nogueira (PP-PI)
  • Veneziano Vital do Rêgo (MDB-PB)
  • Marcio Bittar (União-AC)
  • Sérgio Petecão (PSD-AC)
  • Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA)
  • Styvenson Valentim (Podemos-RN)
  • Chico Rodrigues (PSB-RR)
  • Kajuru (PSB-GO)
  • Romário (PL-RJ)
  • Girão (Novo-CE)

As substitutes, they were announced:

  • Giordano (MDB-SP)
  • Cleitinho (Republicanos-MG)
  • Efraim Filho (União-PB)
  • Otto Alencar (PSD-BA)
  • Rodrigo Cunha (Podemos-AL)
  • Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ)

Source: Agência Senado