LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:39hs.
Portuguese model to be followed

Brazilian Tourist Board president defends legalization of casinos in the country

The president of the Brazilian Tourist Board - Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, celebrated the records in international tourism and defended Portugal's model for the legalization of casinos in Brazil. Analyzing the organization of the activity in that country, and comparing it with the Brazilian reality, he stated that gambling, which already takes place illegally, should be used as a source of income.

Comparing tourism in Portugal and its annual budget, considering that the country is the size of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Freixo came to the conclusion that as long as it has well-defined rules that control the frequency and even limits of betting, legalization of casinos and gambling in Brazil will be favorable.

The president of Embratur explained, during an exclusive interview with the CB Poder program, that the casino management model in Portugal would be a good reference to be adopted in Brazil. Entry is only permitted with CPF registrations, there is a limit on the length of stay and even the amount spent, for example, for the elderly.

“I see it as a way of regularizing something that already occurs, but in a clandestine and uncontrolled way. I also see it as a social issue to be resolved and not just an economic one,” he stressed.

Freixo considers that properly legalized casinos would be another stimulus to attract foreign tourists to the country, generating employment and promoting the entire chain.

Source: GMB