VIE 4 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 23:36hs.
Advertising self-regulation in Brazil

Betano, Caesar's and Rei do Pitaco are the first betting houses to join Conar

Betano, Caesar's and Rei do Pitaco are the first companies in the betting segment to join Conar, making public their adherence to the Brazilian advertising self-regulation entity. Last year, representative groups of advertisers in the sector such as the National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL) and the Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gaming (IBJR) had already signed the same agreement.

"The formal adherence of betting companies to the ethical standards practiced by Conar is an especially positive sign, demonstrating the rapid maturity and commitment of this important advertising segment to consumers, through responsible advertising," says Sergio Pompilio, president of Conar.

In 2023, an agreement was signed between Conar and the entities representing advertisers in the segment, ANJL - National Association of Games and Lotteries and IBJR - Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gaming, providing for the complete cycle of self-regulation of betting advertising, through the establishment of a chapter on self-regulation rules, dissemination actions to increase knowledge and adherence to the rules, the handling of consumer complaints, the monitoring and analysis of questioning of advertisements by the Conar Ethics Council. 

There are also plans to assess the level of compliance with the rules, as well as permanent contact and cooperation with the activity's regulatory authority.

Law No. 14,790 of 12/29/2023 encourages self-regulation of advertising in the segment. "It was recognition from the authority of this important achievement of Brazilian advertising, which dates back to the 1970s," says Pompilio. 

"Conar did its part, with the edition of Annex "X" of the Code, as soon as the legislation came into force. The text, prepared in record time, brought in a simplified form all the standards and best practices adopted internationally. I would like to salute the members of the GT, who were responsible for its creation and for this exceptional work,” added the president of Conar. 

“In the immediate sequence, we produced several materials to disseminate ethical standards while, in parallel, we extended our practice of preventive policy to processes to the segment, in order to quickly disseminate ethical rules, with the scope of responsible advertising in the segment," concludes Pompilio.

The companies Big Brazil (Caesar's), Kaizen Gaming Brasil (Betano) and MMD Tecnologia, Entretenimento e Marketing (Rei do Pitaco) are the pioneers in the segment that become part of Conar, alongside the entities and main companies in the advertising sector.  

Source: Conar