VIE 4 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 23:46hs.
Concession of 15 years

São Paulo expects to raise US$ 650m with the State Lottery that will be auctioned in October

The Government of São Paulo will allocate the expected revenue of R$3.4 billion (US$ 650m) from state lotteries to the health sector. The gaming model will arrive through a concession valid for 15 years, and the auction is scheduled to take place in October this year. The project requires that the amounts be invested in areas essential for reducing social vulnerability.

"It's an important auction because it generates significant revenue for the State. It will be able to be fully utilized in healthcare, which is an area that is increasingly under pressure with the aging population and will demand more and more resources," said Governor Tarcísio de Freitas.

The state lottery model was authorized by the Supreme Federal Court (STF) in 2020, which ruled that the Union could not monopolize the service. In São Paulo, the system was approved in 2022 by the State Assembly with the aim of bringing new sources of funding for public equipment in healthcare and education, for example.

The São Paulo State Government has chosen healthcare as the destination for the resources at this first moment.

State lotteries already exist in other regions. This is the case in Rio de Janeiro and Paraná. The São Paulo concession went through a public consultation and is among the state projects scheduled to go to auction later this year.

The service will exist in physical spaces and online. State lotteries will be able to operate in prognostics modalities (specific, sports, numerical) and instant lottery (such as a "scratch card," for example). The decision on the models will be up to the winner of the concession.

The company will be required to install at least 31 exclusive sales points distributed across the administrative regions of São Paulo. The aim is to serve as a concept store for the services granted and to reach all regions of the state.

The installation of exclusive sales points will follow some rules. For example, the locations must have high visibility, with high foot traffic. In addition, the concessionaire must respect a minimum distance of 300 meters from daycares or elementary and middle schools.

The project's structuring is carried out by the São Paulo Partnership Company (CPP) and the Foundation Institute of Economic Research (Fipe).

The planned investments include management and operation systems for lottery modalities. International certifications will be required to ensure the availability, security, and integrity of the system, which must be prohibited for minors under 18 years of age.


The concession of public lottery services in the State of São Paulo is part of the 13 auctions that the São Paulo State Government will carry out by the end of 2024. In total, there are 24 qualified projects and a portfolio of over R$ 245 billion (US$ 48bn). With the public hearings stage concluded, the next step is the publication of the tender, which will take place in the coming months.

Source: São Paulo State Government