SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 03:20hs.
Chamber of Deputies

Luciano Vieira is elected president of the Permanent Subcommittee on Sports Betting Regulation

In a quick vote, parliamentarians from the Sports Commission elected deputy Luciano Vieira to chair the Permanent Subcommittee on Sports Betting Regulation. The group will work in partnership with the Prizes and Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) of the Ministry of Finance, which is responsible for regulating the sector in Brazil.

There are ten deputies who are part of the board, five of whom are holders and five are substitutes.

The president of the Sports Committee, Rep. Antonio Carlos Rodrigues, chaired the inaugural meeting and election of the Permanent Subcommittee on Sports Betting Regulation (SUBAPOST).

In a swift vote, the parliamentarians present elected deputy Luciano Vieira to chair the subcommittee. There are ten deputies who are part of the board, five of whom are members and five are substitutes.

When the parliamentarian expressed his gratitude, he stated his intention to invite the Minister of Sports, André Fufuca, and the president of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), Ednaldo Rodrigues, to participate in the discussions.

In addition to Vieira, deputies Augusto Puppio, Delegado da Cunha, José Rocha, Julio Arcoverde, Beto Richa, Douglas Viegas, Ícaro de Valmir, Juninho do Pneu and Júnior Mano are also members of the board.

We recently went through a scandal involving Brazilian football and betting sites, which bribed players to influence the outcome of games. This activity needs to be regulated so that new cases of manipulation do not happen again,” said deputy Beto Richa.

The subcommittee will work in partnership with the Prizes and Betting Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance, which is responsible for regulating sports betting in Brazil.

Source: GMB