SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 02:54hs.
Project to be analyzed by another Commission

Chamber Committee approves creation of lottery to support women in situations of violence

The Finance and Taxation Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved a proposal that provides for the creation, by the federal government, of the ‘Mulher da Sorte’ lottery. The objective is to allocate part of the proceeds to actions and programs aimed at women in situations of domestic and family violence in Brazil.

According to the text, the lottery can be created in a physical or virtual environment using the numerical prediction model, which is where the player tries to guess the numbers drawn in the contest.

The approved proposal received an amendment from the rapporteur, deputy Laura Carneiro, with the aim of ensuring the budgetary and financial adequacy of Bill 4462/21, authored by former deputy Rejane Dias. The original text also provided for the creation of a benefit, worth a monthly minimum wage, to be paid to women and funded with part of the lottery proceeds.

The rapporteur, however, argued that the creation of the benefit without a proper estimate of the financial and budgetary impact makes the proposal incompatible with the Federal Constitution and the Fiscal Responsibility Law.

To remedy the incompatibility with budgetary and financial legislation, I present a substitute subamendment excluding the creation of the benefit and allocating the respective percentage of revenue from the 'Mulher da Sorte' lottery to the Ministry of Women, supporting assistance to women in situations of domestic violence and familiar,” argued the rapporteur.

Laura Carneiro also included the prediction that part of the proceeds from the lottery will be used to finance Social Security, as provided for in the Federal Constitution.

According to the new text, the amount collected from the lottery will be divided as follows:

* 0.5% for Social Security;

* 25.5% for the Ministry of Women;

* 10% to finance housing for women victims of domestic violence;

* 19.13% to cover the cost and maintenance expenses of the lottery operating agent; and

* 44.87% for the payment of prizes and taxes on the prize.

Finally, the rapporteur made it clear that the prize amounts not collected by the bettors drawn within the deadline will also be returned to the Ministry of Women.

The proposal now goes to the Senate's Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ), where it will be analyzed conclusively.

Source: Câmara de Notícias Agency