SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 03:23hs.
President of Loterj

Hazenclever Lopes Cançado: Rio de Janeiro is a “blue ocean” for regulated betting operators

In dialogue with CIBELAE (Ibero-American Corporation of State Lotteries and Betting), Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, president of the Loteria do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Loterj), referred to the opportunities that legal gambling represents in his jurisdiction. Loterj, a consolidated and successful institution, finds one of its biggest challenges in competition with irregular platforms that still operate in Brazil without paying taxes and with no guarantee of bettors safety.

“Currently, one of the biggest challenges is facing the large number of platforms that operate irregularly in Brazil, evading taxes, without headquarters in the country and without practicing responsible gaming,” explained Lopes Cançado. These platforms create financial insecurity for bettors by operating from abroad without regulation.

Innovation and audacity

Despite these challenges, Loterj has made significant progress in legalizing the gaming sector in Rio de Janeiro. Lopes Cançado highlighted that “Loterj is flying, doing disruptive, innovative and bold work, offering real options for those who want to work in a legalized manner.” Among the companies that have already been regularized are PixBet, sponsor of Flamengo, and MarjoSports, one of the pioneers in Brazil.

The attraction of major international players also reflects the success of the Loterj. “The Caesar Sports group, the largest casino in Las Vegas, chose Rio de Janeiro due to our legal security and financial attraction,” said Cançado. In addition, companies such as 1xBet, sponsor of the Brazilian team in the qualifiers, are already in the process of being authorized to operate in the state.

The attractive Fluminense market

Rio de Janeiro offers several attractions for gaming companies. With a population of 17 and a half million inhabitants and being the second economy in the country, the state is presented as the “blue ocean” for betting houses. “Gaming is part of the Carioca culture, and economically we have a stable State Lottery with the support of Governor Cláudio Castro,” mentioned Lopes Cançado.

Social responsibility is another key aspect for Loterj, which allocates at least 70% of its income to social actions. “We support several creches, schools and the largest shelter home that offers protection to women victims of violence in the state,” said the president of Loterj. Furthermore, the fight against problem gambling and the fight against money laundering are priorities in its management.

Loterj, member of CIBELAE

Loterj's affiliation to CIBELAE also plays a crucial role. In the words of the president of Loterj, “CIBELAE is the most important association in Latin America and the Caribbean that works for the protection of legal and responsible gambling.” At the same time, he highlighted that membership facilitates the exchange of knowledge and connection with other lotteries and operators in the region.