SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 03:33hs.
This Thursday (13), in Brasília

ANJL participates in seminar on the betting market regulatory agenda organized by the IDP

The National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL) will participate in the seminar “The Online Betting Market in Brazil: the paths to responsible governance”, promoted by the Center for Law, Internet and Society (Cedis) of the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP). The event takes place this Thursday (13) at the IDP’s headquarters in Brasília, bringing together representatives of the Federal Government, as well as experts and academics.

The president of ANJL, Plínio Lemos Jorge, will be one of the speakers on the panel “A regulatory agenda for responsible gaming”, providing members with a view on the importance of regulation for the country and the main points that need to be considered to guarantee gaming responsible.

The panel will have the participation of the Secretary of Prizes and Bets of the Ministry of Finance, Regis Dudena, and the Secretary of Digital Rights of the Ministry of Justice, Lilian Cintra. Other confirmed participants are Sérgio Garcia Alves, president of the OAB/DF Gaming Law Commission, and Carlos Portugal Gouvêa, professor at University of São Paulo (USP) and coordinator of the TechLab.

The second panel will address the topic “Consumer protection, self-regulation of advertising and competition aspects” and will feature talks by:

- Juliana Nakata Albuquerque, executive vice-president of Conar;

- Vitor Hugo do Amaral, director of the Department of Consumer Protection and Defense (DPDC) of the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon), of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security;

- Ricardo Morishita, coordinator of the IDP Consumer Law Research Group (GECON/IDP);

- Eric Hadmann Jasper, Professor at IDP and Coordinator of the Sports and Betting Market Analysis Group (GAME) at IDP;

-Emanuella Ribeiro Halfeld, Government Relations analyst at Instituto Alana.

Amidst the regulation of the sector, which is still ongoing, the seminar will be an excellent opportunity for the exchange of ideas between actors, researchers, representatives of the Federal Government and civil society. ANJL will make its contribution, once again, in defending an intact environment for gaming and in complying with the entire regulatory framework that has been built in the country," said Plínio Lemos Jorge.


Event (in-person): Seminar “The Online Betting Market in Brazil: the paths to responsible governance”

Location: IDP Headquarters – SGAS Block 607 - Module 49 - Via L2 Sul - Asa Sul - Brasília

Date and time: June 13th, starting at 6pm

Launched in March 2023, the National Association of Games and Lotteries defends the interests of its members, the sector and the responsible and honest sector, always guided by encouraging sport, betting security and contributing to the country's economic development.

Members include GaleraBet/PlayTech, Big Brasil, F12, PagBet, BetNacional, Mr. Jack, Parimatch, BetFast, Aposta Ganha, Liderança Capitalização, ZRO Bank, Okto, Propane, PAAG, Clear Sale and BetBox tv.

Source: GMB