SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 02:46hs.
To acquire online traffic

Adsterra highlights how it can revolutionize iGaming ads with the Smart CPM tool

Increasingly, the search for the best prices for ads and increased traffic in iGaming leaves the segment in doubt about which paths to follow. To guide and point out high-profit and excellent cost-benefit strategies, Adsterra presents its Smart CPM tool, in an exclusive article for GMB.

Understand how Smart CPM works, a second-price auction tool that helps save budget for iGaming campaigns.

Adsterra, a global ad network, presents its innovative Smart CPM pricing model, designed to transform how advertisers, traffic managers, and affiliates acquire online traffic.

This second-price auction system optimizes spending and increases return on investment (ROI), allowing users to compete for the best ad spaces without paying exorbitant prices.

How does Smart CPM work?

In the Smart CPM model, the highest bidder wins the auction but pays just a bit more than the second-highest bid, significantly saving compared to the first-price auction model. This ensures that advertisers get high-quality traffic volumes at a lower cost.

Benefits of Smart CPM

1. Cost Optimization: With the second-price auction, you acquire the same traffic volume while spending less, extending your campaign's reach.

2. Intelligent Automation: Algorithms adjust bids automatically, saving time and effort.

3.Financial Security: Ideal for limited budgets, guaranteeing impressions without excessive spending.

Practical example of Adsterra's Smart CPM

Suppose your bid is $2, with other advertisers bidding $0.80 and $1. The Smart CPM adjusts your payment to $1.05, just 5 cents above the second-highest bid. This means you pay less while still obtaining the same traffic volume.

Ideal situations for using Adsterra's Smart CPM

* Conversion Cost Optimization: Reduce conversion costs by paying only what is necessary to win auctions.

* Increased Traffic in Low-Competition GEOs: Capture large traffic volumes in regions with lower competition.

* Winning in Competitive Environments: In highly competitive markets, Smart CPM ensures high-quality traffic while paying only the necessary amount.

How to activate Smart CPM in your Adsterra campaign

Log in to your Adsterra advertiser account—if you don't have an account yet, click here—go to "Campaigns," select "Create," and choose "CPM."

Enable "Smart CPM" to let the algorithm bid automatically. Set your bid limit and let Smart CPM work for you.

Simple, right?

During June 2024, you can get 15% cashback on your investments in campaigns using Adsterra's Smart CPM. If you don’t have an Adsterra account yet, you have an extra advantage. Learn more here.

Adsterra's Smart CPM is a powerful tool for advertisers looking to optimize their spending and maximize ROI. With it, you save time, control your budgets, and secure the best possible traffic for your ad campaigns.

For more information and to start using Smart CPM, visit Adsterra's website and join this revolution in online traffic acquisition.

About Adsterra

Adsterra is an advanced global ad network known for its unique partner care approach, connecting brands and marketers since 2013. The platform offers robust advertising and monetization solutions, benefiting both advertisers and publishers.

Benefits for Advertisers

* Advanced Targeting: With over 20 targeting settings, advertisers can reach the most suitable audiences, ensuring high-performance campaigns.

Diverse Pricing Models: Options for CPM, CPC, and CPA, allowing flexibility according to campaign goals.

Automation Tools: Traffic Estimator, Smart CPM, and CPA Goal to optimize bidding strategies and maximize conversions.

Security and Quality: A three-tier security system prevents fraud and ensures high-quality traffic.

* Proprietary Ad Formats: Social Bar ads and other innovative formats that resonate with the digital audience.

Click here to create your advertiser account on Adsterra.

Benefits for publishers

* Efficient Monetization: Solutions to monetize websites, blogs, and social media traffic without the need to own a site.

Competitive CPM Rates: One of the highest-paying networks, ensuring fair and lucrative returns for all types of traffic.

Advanced Technology: AI algorithms adjusted to deliver the most relevant CPM rates and an adaptive ad feed.

*Variety of Ad Formats: Including popunders, Social Bar, In-Page Push, and interstitials, all optimized to maximize visual impact and click-through rates (CTR).

Click here to sign up as a Publisher on Adsterra.

Stay updated on news and promotions by following Adsterra on Instagram and through the official WhatsApp channel.

Source: Adsterra