SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 02:32hs.
Also with General Data Protection Law

Procon-SP asks Finance to require ‘bets’ to comply with Consumer Protection Code

The Procon-SP Foundation requested the Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) of the Ministry of Finance that, in order to grant authorization to operate betting in the country, certain criteria must be mandatory. Among them, measuring the behavior of the applicant companies regarding compliance with the Consumer Protection Code, the General Data Protection Law and Law No. 14,790/23 and its regulations.

The SPA published Ordinance No. 827 of May 21, 2024, starting the establishment of internal processes for granting authorization for commercial exploitation of the lottery modality of fixed-odd betting, by private economic agents in the national territory, establishing the rules and conditions to be met for the issuance of the respective licenses.

Procon-SP understands that the analysis of the suitability and technical qualifications of companies (art. 7 of the aforementioned Ordinance) necessarily requires verification of compliance with consumer protection standards.

It is widely known that the online betting market has advanced exponentially in Brazil, given the ease of access to sites that offer the service, the variety of game options and platforms available, among other factors. Thus, the expansion and consolidation of this market has generated a great impact on consumer relations, especially in advertisements published by the respective suppliers.

For the executive director of Procon-SP Luiz Orsatti Filho, “measuring the suitability and technical qualifications of betting companies is essential so that consumers have more support from protection and defense bodies against abuse.”

The body continues to monitor this consumer relationship with a view to guiding the consumer-gambler about their rights, practicing responsible gambling – required by current legislation, among others, as well as harmonizing and preventing conflicts.

Established in September 1996, The Procon-SP Foundation is a civil association nationwide, multidisciplinary, non-profit institution linked to the Department of Justice and Defense of Citizenship of the State of São Paulo and has legal personality under public law with technical autonomy, administrative and financial.

The Procon-SP’s main mission is to balance and harmonize relations between consumers and suppliers. With the objective to develop and implement security and defense policy of consumers in Brazil. It has the support of a multidisciplinary technical group that develops activities in various areas.

The Foundation is the pioneer public entity in defense of the consumer in Brazil is considered synonymous with respect for the citizen’s rights protection.

Source: GMB