VIE 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 19:12hs.
Only lottery operator at the event

Lottopar presented its preventing money laundering expertise in a workshop held in São Paulo

Lottopar participated in a workshop by the United Kingdom's Royal Institute of Defense and Security Studies (Rusi), financial institutions and government bodies, with the support of the Financial Activities Control Board (Coaf). It was the only lottery operator present at the meeting, which took place last week in São Paulo.

Last June 10th and 11th, Lottopar was in São Paulo to participate in an event that discussed advances in preventing money laundering and financial crimes. This was an opportunity for the organization to deepen its knowledge in this area.

Among Lottopar's goals, within the scope of lottery operations in Paraná, is the role of supervising and creating tools and mechanisms to prevent illicit practices within lottery activities, thus providing safe entertainment for the people of Paraná.

The speakers from RUSI, Wojciech Pawlus, dissemination and implementation manager, and Chandana Seshadri, research analyst, as well as associate members Allison Owen and Andrew Mackay, addressed various topics related to the field.

These include:

- Typologies of virtual assets and warning signs

- Financial investigations into suspicious activities

- Challenges for law enforcement

- Institutional risk assessment

- Institutional virtual asset risk assessment and virtual asset service providers

It was a valuable opportunity for operations director Fabio Veiga and technical director Rafael Halila, who represented Lottopar at the event, to engage with international best practices in combating money laundering.

“Lottopar’s participation in this workshop demonstrates our concern to always seek international best practices. Over these two days, we engaged with representatives from banking institutions, Coaf, the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), and anti-money laundering experts, and we found that we are already ahead,” emphasized operations director Fabio Veiga.

“Since Lottopar is already qualified in the Financial Activities Control System (Siscoaf), licensed lottery operators have 24 hours, in a confidential manner, to report to Coaf when an operation that may constitute a sign of money laundering is identified,” he stated.

The meeting brought together experts from the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI), financial institutions, and government bodies, with support from the Financial Activities Control Council (Coaf).

The Royal United Services Institute has been promoting defense and security practices for over 190 years. It originated in the United Kingdom, headquartered in Whitehall, London, and has seen participation from influential figures such as UK prime ministers, a US president, numerous foreign leaders, and members of the Royal Family.

It has various study committees, including the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS), which promotes research and aims to disseminate practices to curb financial crimes globally.

The meeting brought together experts from the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI), financial institutions, and government bodies, with support from the Financial Activities Control Council (Coaf).

Source: GMB