SÁB 8 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 01:33hs.
The merger created a Brazil’s national team super star

In the search for the perfect athlete, Betfair transforms Rivaldo and Ronaldo into 'Rinaldo'

Pillars of Brazilian football in the 90s and 2000s, Ronaldo and Rivaldo achieved everything they could in the Brazilian national team. Now, the idea is to imagine a player who combines the best qualities of both, creating a “Super Craque”. That’s why Betfair, a sports betting house that has Ronaldo and Rivaldo as ambassadors, brought the two stars together in a fun fusion creating the ideal combination that every Brazilian would love to see wearing the “amarelinha”.

If this fictional star, 'Rinaldo' would probably be called up to coach Dorival Júnior's team, however, as such an attacking midfielder does not exist, the five-time champions joined in the fun to create him and imagine his characteristics. Betfair asked Ronaldo and Rivaldo what quality of the other they would like to have in their careers. See below what compliments one had about the other.

Rivaldo highlights the coolness and face to face with the goalkeeper that Ronaldo ‘Fenômeno’ did extremely well during his career. “A quality of Ronaldo for me that was super positive is the one-on-one time with the goalkeeper, he had enormous skill. His pedaling in front of the goalkeeper, to dribble and score the goal is a demonstration of his coolness. He had enormous ease, so no matter who the goalkeeper was,” praised Rivaldo.

For Ronaldo, Rivaldo's vision of the game and left foot were two points that caused “good envy.”

“I have no doubt that Rivaldo's left foot ability was missing from my resume. My left was good, but like Rivaldo it didn't exist. Always that left blow from outside the area. And it’s not just about that: his movement on the pitch, the strength he had, with long strides and the game vision of a true number ten, who is back there and visualizes the whole thing,” he said.

“Rivaldo paced the match and saw the plays, with the ability to lead the game with the ball at his feet being perfect. He was a true playmaker and, with his left, he was different as a player,” highlighted Ronaldo to Betfair.

One of the largest online sports betting providers in the world, Betfair is an official sponsor of the Cruzeiro and Vasco da Gama teams. The company, founded in London (ING) in 2000, pioneered the offering of peer-to-peer betting (Betfair Exchange) and manages a complete suite of sports betting, entertainment events and online gaming products for more of four million customers over 18 years old worldwide.

Thanks to its cutting-edge technology, the platform offers a wide catalog of products that allow you to bet with your own odds and odds offered by other users. Betfair is licensed to operate online betting and other games in 19 countries, including Spain, Italy, Malta and Great Britain. Play responsibly.

Source: GMB