SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 01:09hs.
Leticia Bezerra, director

“B1.bet already has more than 5 thousand affiliates for always offering the best to its partner”

The iGaming affiliation branch has been considered one of the main channels for engaging new users. At B1.bet this has been taken so seriously that the company already has more than 5 thousand partners. “We offer an exclusive platform and we always try to improve to have them with us,” said Leticia Bezerra, director of the company, in an exclusive interview with GMB.

GMB – How are B1.bet’s operations and business going in Brazil?
Leticia Bezerra
– B1.bet is growing more and more every day, expanding its market share and becoming a reference in the iGaming segment. Furthermore, we are working hard to have more and more affiliates. Today we already have more than 5 thousand, and we offer them an exclusive platform to help them with their operation. We do really cool work and every day we try to improve. We are already known for serious, reliable work, and the intention is to increasingly expand this.

Are the over 5 thousand affiliates an asset to B1.bet?
Yes, our affiliates are our “Golden Boys” because they represent a gold mine and are responsible for helping B1.bet become popular and that people get to know more and more about what we can offer in terms of entertainment. We greatly value their work and try to bring more and more tools and possibilities for them to work and stay with us.

For them to continue with B1.bet you will need a license to operate. Are you already prepared to apply for authorization, as the Ministry of Finance has opened the window for this?
Yes, the publication has officially come out and we are in progress with all regulatory processes. We will apply for a license to be able to operate from January 1st of next year, adapting until December 31st.

From the point of view of the structure of the platform and B1.bet's offerings, are you already suitable?
We are. We are already working on the little that remains to get it in order as quickly as possible. Many things, such as 24/7 service with employees, we have had for over a year. We are even ahead in some points of what was requested and we will have time, in the next six to eight months, to adjust the small details that are missing. Some things were still uncertain and so we waited to see how the whole process would unfold. Whatever is not fully compatible we will align within the deadline of December 31, 2024.

Are you excited to grow even further in the Brazilian market?
Very excited. Regulation will bring security to both players and affiliates and platforms. With the regulations, everyone will have to work correctly, so that those who are not acting correctly are not given the opportunity. As we are a serious company, we were already expecting the regulation, which will provide more security and be better for all large companies.

Source: GMB Exclusive