SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 01:49hs.
Expansion of distribution points

CMSL signs deal with union and bakery association to sell Raspadinha® on its network

An agreement between AMIPÃO (formed by the Bakery Industry Union of the State of Minas Gerais, and the Minas Gerais Bakery Industry Association) and Raspadinha®, the most recent Loteria Mineira game sold in the state, aims to expand the points of sale of the product and stimulate retail in the state.

The proposal is to offer, to the first 100 bakeries that close the contract and start selling the instant lottery game (scratch card), three months of bread packages. For establishments associated with AMIPÃO, this period extends to four months.

With just five months of operation, Raspadinha® has already reached more than 1,000 points of sale across the state, in addition to having already reached the milestone of 200 thousand winning tickets. With almost R$2 million (US$ 366,000) distributed in prizes, the games have the attraction of delivering the amounts instantly to the winners, upon validation of the card.

For Maria Fernanda, owner of the São Pedro bakery, in Bairro Minascaixa, in Venda Nova, the product implementation procedure was simple. The novelty caught the attention of customers and also attracted new buyers to the establishment.

It was a quick process, with team training and store stickers. On the day of activation, we had the presence of a promoter who made the difference in achieving true sales success,” she reported.


The great chances of winning are factors that contribute to the good sales numbers achieved. Approximately 1,500 prizes are distributed per day, around one per minute, and values can reach up to R$250,000 (US$ 45,700). Statistically, one in every four tickets will win a lucky ticket.

The benefits for retail are also important. “It's an easy game that has very good demand. As it has a very high turnover and an attractive value, the winner, most of the time, ends up reinvesting their prize in products in the store or in Raspadinha® itself”, said the owner of Panificadora Halley, Acácio Lotte Magalhães.

It is a product that can be used in promotions, as change and adds to the mix of products offered at the checkout. We are noticing that sales are increasing more every day,” he said.

For more information on how to become a Raspadinha® point of sale, simply access the product's official website and register: www.vendaraspadinha.com.br

Source: GMB