SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 02:36hs.
Rodrigo Manguinho, managing partner

“BETesporte is focused on guiding affiliates to operate in accordance with regulatory rules”

BETesporte, together with sister sports betting and online gaming house Lance da Sorte, has directed investments in marketing and training for affiliates to operate in accordance with government rules. Talking to GMB, director Rodrigo Manguinho stated that the group is ready to apply for a license at the Ministry of Finance and will rely on its affiliates to operate in accordance with the law and grow in the Brazilian market.

GMB - What are the latest news from the BETesporte group for its affiliates?
Rodrigo Manguinho -
We are offering a whole range of affiliate options, which we manage transparently. For them, our slogan is "commission without surprise" because the affiliate can track all their performance, with net commission and no deductions. We have made significant investments in marketing, which makes it easier for our affiliates to attract more users. This ensures they continue with us. Everyone is satisfied with our program.

In addition to this comprehensive program, BETesporte is launching a new betting site. Tell us a bit about what the market can expect from it.
Lance da Sorte is the “almost” new project, which has been online for a year. Through it, we offer the same benefits as BETesporte. The system is ours and we have offered exclusive markets at Lance da Sorte, such as X1 Vaquejada, which is also on BETesporte and has attracted fans of the sport, in addition to various other sports. Many new users come to our sites precisely because we have exclusive markets.

Is the group as a whole already prepared for regulation?
We have been prepared since the ordinance was issued. We were one of the first companies to present ourselves to the Ministry of Finance as interested in the license. Since we have our own system, we qualified in the government's testing system. Our system was chosen for being compliant. Thank God, we will proceed with the regulation. Our next step is to file for authorization.

Are you already explaining and guiding affiliates on the rules of advertising and legal gaming?
We have a team working on this, checking all the issues of what can and cannot be done. If we identify that we were making mistakes, we will correct and adjust to meet all the requirements that the government has passed with the ordinance. Our marketing is ready for this and is guiding those who are working incorrectly on new paths to follow. When the right time comes, we will be ready to start correctly.

Source: Exclusive GMB