SÁB 6 DE JULIO DE 2024 - 03:20hs.
Opponents want discussion in committees

Bill that legalizes gambling in Brazil may not be voted on before the parliamentary recess

Bill 2,234/2022, which legalizes casinos, bingos and jogo do bicho in the country, will not be voted on by the Plenary immediately. In a meeting with the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, party leaders decided that the proposal will be debated in a special session and voted on in another committee, such as Economic Affairs.

MDB leader, Eduardo Braga (AM), stated that the project must be analyzed based on numbers, such as job creation and revenue, and also from a negative point of view.

“What are the possible gains from approving the project, whether from the point of view of economic growth, job creation, income generation, tax generation, how will these taxes finance important public policies?,” he asked.

“And on the other side, what are the risks of approving this Bill and not this stereotypical discourse of looking at the problems and not discussing what can be built from it,” he continued.

Those in favor of the project argue that the legalization of betting in general will result in R$100 billion (US$ 18.4bn) in investments in the country, the creation of 1.5 million jobs and annual revenue of R$22 billion (US$ 4bn).

But those who oppose the initiative cite the increase in money laundering and the strengthening of criminal organizations. Senator Eduardo Girão warned of problems related to gaming addiction, over-indebtedness and crime. He also questioned the change of members of the Constitution and Justice Commission to allow the project to be approved.

The project originating from the Chamber of Deputies authorizes the installation of casinos in tourist centers, resorts and high-end hotels with at least one hundred rooms with a limit of three establishments in São Paulo, two in Rio de Janeiro, Amazonas and Pará, and one in other states.

Bingos will be able to operate permanently in specific locations and operated by companies that have R$10 million (US$ 1.85m) in share capital.

In the case of the jogo do bicho, each state will have one accredited company for every 700,000 inhabitants.

The proposal also foresees the creation of two taxes to be paid by establishments.

Source: Radio Senado